
Mums & Co Expert

Ingrid Thompson

Healthy Numbers


Ingrid Thompson is the founder of Healthy Numbers. She teaches business owners how to make sense of the numbers in their business and how to take control of their business financials. She works one to one with clients to help demystify the myths that underpin their financial beliefs so that they can build their understanding and confidence when it comes to the money side of business.

Her deepest desire is that all women business owners can realise that (1)  they can become extremely good at money, and (2) they are smart enough to understand and (3) that it’s much easier than they have been led to believe.

What is the #1 question you get asked the most? What is your answer?

How much should I charge? To figure out how much to charge it is super important to understand how much it costs to run your business – how much it costs every year, every month, every week. That’s where we start. Then how much do you want to pay yourself? And how much profit do you need to make in your business? It’s truly a business when you cover your costs, pay yourself and make a profit.

Once we know these numbers, these financials we can start to work on an effective pricing model for your product or service and specific to your industry.

When you work with Ingrid you will leave with 3 key takeaways:

  1. “This is easier than I imagined.” Women are smart when it comes to money and understanding the financials in their business – when it is presented in plain English and using common words that are easy to understand.
  2. “The system” is set up – in so many ways – to make it more complicated than it needs to be. And I know it can be different. This is my life’s mission – to demystify money in business.
  3. When a business owner understands their money, it changes their life forever – forever! Once they “get it” – they can never “unget it”.

Key achievements:

  • The hundreds of clients I have worked with and taken from financial overwhelm, anxiety and anguish to feeling confident, capable and powerful when it comes to the business finances.
  • Supporting clients through 2020 when everything in their world changed as they had to take their businesses from in person to online.
  • Writing the book So You Want to Start a Business and being approached & published by a New York publisher. Changing careers and making the decision to leave the corporate world more than 20 years ago to start my first business and then this subsequent business and remaining financially independent through all the changes.
  • Academic achievements of course are important although I feel the sense that I am always learning is also a key achievement.

Expertise in:

  • Financial plans and budgets
  • Start a business
  • Finance: Grow revenue

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Expert Testimonials

"Thank you so much Ingrid. Your insight, feedback and advice is so helpful and wildly appreciated. Knowing your numbers as a business owner and consultant is so important and I now have some clear action points and next steps to get my foundations in place. Your detailed follow up, templates and references is so beyond expected. Cheers!"



Great practical advice in the expert session and a list of to do things for me! Thanks Ingrid :-)

Emma Heuston

Ready to Boss Legal

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