Vanessa Bell Mumbition the Podcast


The Podcast By Mums & Co

Episode 94: Looking to Overcome Your Business Challenges? Connect and thrive with Mums & Co: A Network for the Mumbitious

Hosted by Lucy Kippist - Mums & Co Community Manager

May 28, 2024
Starting a business, especially when juggling caring responsibilities, can be a daunting task. This is where Mums & Co comes in. We are not just another business network; we are a community that understands the unique challenges you face. Our mission is to help you grow your business while balancing motherhood and your ambitions, or as we like to call it, ‘Mumbition’.




Produced by - Lucy Kippist 
Edited by-
Morgan Sebastian Brown 
‍Interviewers- Lucy Kippist 

Are you ready to join a movement of business owning women?  Join Mums& Co  


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    • Read the blog article
    • Are You Finding Your Business Challenges Daunting? Here's how to connect and thrive with Mums & Co

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Nov 28, 2024

 Lucy Kippist:

Hey there, everyone. Lucy Kippist here. I’m Mums & Co's Community Manager, and this week we’ve got a slightly different episode for you.

I'm dropping into your podcast feed tohave a little chat about the best ways to unlock the benefits of joining amembership network like Mums & Co as a business owner.

Many of you probably know of Mums &Co from our podcasts and social media, but did you know that we are also a network and community of business owning women? Co-founded by Carrie Kwan in 2016 we have supported thousands of women right across Australia.

What makes us different from other business networks out there? We know firsthand that starting a business can be tough especially when venturing on your own and have caring responsibilities and truly understand the challenges that come with it.

We are the Australian network helping women in business grow and be unapologetic in combining motherhood and your ambitions – or as we like to call it Mumbition.

One of the things that I love most about my job is getting to know our community personally. And that’s one of our corner stones as a business, we’re here to provide you with personalised support, advocating for your Mumbition every step of the way, with a digital membership supporting you to build deep networks, access strategic guidance and resources.

How do we do this you may ask? By having a passionate team, dedicated to providing our members with quality networking opportunities, knowledge sharing, professional development, and exposure opportunities for your business.

And we have heavily invested in a pretty slick digital platform that helps you unlock all the features at your fingertips that you need to feel supported and empowered – but more on that later!

So, you might be wondering why as a business owner should you consider joining a network like Mums & Co? Well, there are many reasons!

One such reason is for the networking opportunities. We all know that running a successful business can at times be isolating and sometimes even a little lonely. If you’re a solo, business woman working from home sometimes there’s just not the opportunities to meet fellow businesswomen who understand the challenges you are facing or even just someone to bounce ideas off!

Our monthly member meet ups are held online and are a great way to make connections with other businesswomen and show up as you are as they’re a safe space to ask questions, collaborate, learn and be more productive. You never know who you may meet, it could be your new business bestie, your next collaborator or potential client. These meet ups are super informal and the chance to make real connections.

Our exclusive member platform also features member profiles which you can connect with via direct message and a Business Introductions feature.

Here’s what Katie has to say about what Mums & Co has to offer:

“Having been in business for over 20years it isn’t often I come across groups that are genuine when it comes to networking and collaboration. Lucy & Carrie have created a group that offers genuine connections, ones that not only help build my network of amazing people but also offer tools I can implement into my business to help it grow. I was able to connect with the likes of Laura Campbell and Julia Scott, women who have taken the same path and who can share their growth hacks and pain points.

This is a truly collaborative community that can provide the right networks and education to take your business to the next level! Thank you team Mums & Co.!”

And our member Rochelle who shared:

“I wanted to say thank you to Mums& co for the availability to members of the Biz Intros feature! I am so lucky to have had a couple of like minded women reach out and contact me to become referral partners of my business.”

Thank you Katie and Rochelle, what amazing testimonials about the power of networking!

Another advantage of joining aMembership Network is the access to knowledge sharing within the community.We know that as a business owner sometimes you wear all the hats, one dayyou’re a CEO, the day after a CMO and the next CFO. And as exciting as this canbe it also brings with it some challenges, because as we all know it’s hard tobe an expert at absolutely everything, especially when you are a businessowning mother with caring responsibilities. Your time is precious and you needaccess to the right specialist knowledge relevant to you at the right time.

This is where the Mums & Co Expertscan help. These Experts could be a game changer for your business.

Imagine on demand support tailored foryour business. Our team of vetted industry experts will give you access to 1:1strategies and outcomes specific to your business, challenge or situationwithout the hefty price tag.

Here’s what our Expert Kate Christiehas to say about being a part of the program:

“It is critical for women in businessto have access to mentorship, expert advice and a community of like-minded andengaged business owners to cheer them on, bounce ideas off and keep themfocussed - and Mums & Co solve for this in spades. I am thrilled to be partof this program as the time management and goal setting expert!”

Some more benefits of joining a membership network like Mums & Co include access to Professional Development and Exclusive Events. On our member platform we have a Digital Resource library featuring value packed resources from our Experts, self paced online course and access to previous webinar recordings. All these can be accessed 24/7 so you can learn and grow at a time that suits you.

We also do events differently. Not only do we bring our members together at regular member meet ups but each quarter we also bring you two days of group expert session events from our Mums& Co Experts. Join for all sessions or just a couple – what ever works for you!

Our Expert Group sessions are on new topics to superchargeyour business quickly and effectively. There’s plenty of opportunity to engagewith the speaker with questions afterwards.

Member Meet Ups means that you’ll connect with some of the most talented women in business today, not only our community but also our experts are often in attendance so you can get to know them.

And while we’re on events let’s not forget Be MPowered. Our annual conference now in it’s 7th year designed especially for business owning mothers!

Launch, grow or scale your small business with support programs and events for your #mumbition in a family-friendly way. Mums & Co events are here to support you in a safe space ―in life and in business.

You heard from our expert Kate Christie before. Here’s what Mums & Co member Miranda had to share about one of Kate’s Mums & Co events:

“I loved Kate's session and took away so many practical and simple productivity ideas. I've already implemented several because the tips are simple but with big benefits. I also felt like Kate really understood each of us and offered kind, relevant perspectives on our individual challenges.”

Ok so now I’d like to share how all these opportunities; networking, professional development, knowledge sharing, and exclusive events fits into the Mums & Co membership subscriptions. We’ve got three simple subscriptions because we know that you need different things at different times of your business journey. So now I’ll explain a bit about what you get when you sign up to this community.

Community Membership Subscription – get a feel for how we support women in business and our community news and attend a handful of our events and start building visibility in our community. Our Community Membership Subscription is just $49 per year. For less than $1 per week, you’ll have access to create a Member Listing on platform to get exposure for your business, a Personalised Action plan, access to some of our online resources and four member meet ups per year. Another game changing benefit is you get access to one Expert Group Session per year as well!

The next tier up is our Standard Membership Subscription –  you’ll get access to our program of networking events, business guidance, and connection building features for less than the cost of two coffees each week – and I’m not even talking ones with expensive alternative milks either! To make it easier for business owners to access the powerful benefits included in the Standard Membership, this subscription has flexible payment options and can either be paid annually for$499 or as a quarterly subscription for $143 each quarter. You’ll get access everything included in the Community Subscription plus more! Member listing for business exposure,8 opportunities to connect with other businesswomen per year at member meetups, four Expert Group Sessions per year to learn new skills and get support from our experts and community and four 1:1 expert sessions. These thirty-minute private sessions are your opportunity to get tailored support from our experts for your business. Other benefits of the Standard membership subscription include a Personalised Action Plan to help keep you focused, access to all our digital library resources, business introductions and signature special events.

That brings me to our Premium Membership Subscription – the one with all the bells and whistles!

The Premium Membership subscription hasthe opportunity of additional exposure opportunities for members’ businesses.Not only do subscribers get everything included in the Standard subscriptionbut you also get access to additional events, expert sessions and the cherry ontop is advertising for your business on Mumbition The Podcast – that’s right.You could have your very own ad featured on this podcast!

Not ready to commit yet? Then check out our Sign Up membership. Did you know you can take a peek at our exclusive member platform by registering as a Sign Up member. It’s free, you get all our wonderful emails and information about our upcoming events and as a little gift from us you get one Mums & Co Member Meet Up for free, so you can come along, see what it’s all about and connect with other members and get to know our Experts.

Just before I go, I’d like to share with you a little more on our Experts because we know that the right mentorship and support is so important for business owning women. We have 18 experts trusted experts to help our members start and stay in business across a broad range of topics including commercialisation, marketing and productivity. These expert women and men who have pretty much all started their own business from scratch, all the while also with caring responsibilities. So, they're not only excellent in their field of expertise, ranging from everything from technology, marketing, AI, pitching to things like wellbeing, budgeting, profit first, that wonderful book among many other things. Their strategic advice is small business focussed, practical and actionable, delivered in a supportive space by our hand-selected subject matter experts and not to mention it’s affordable and available online.

Depending on which membership subscription you have, you can book in for a 1 to 1 chat with any of those experts as part of your membership, or if it’s not included in your membership benefits you can pay as you go for each session for just $39. So that gets you a 30 minute 1 to1 chat, which is basically like a mentoring session. And you can book as many of those as you like. And we know that you're going to find that will really move the needle forward on your membership.

A lot of our members have already done this and it's one of the most reported on and feedback features of our memberships are highly recommend you check that out.

Remember, each quarter we also have group expert sessions available. These are designed to give you 45 minutes to an hour within a group, learning environment with each expert they range on their topics again, just covering into their expertise from AI to pitching to the full principles of profit. The path to profit, how to grow a business from a product base perspective, how to keep profitable, and how to pitch. Those sessions are either included in your membership subscription or can start from$26 if you decide to pay as you go.

So that's our Membership subscriptions in a nutshell for more information you can visit www.mumsandco.com.au or come to one of our free Membership Q&A sessions throughout the year – there will be a link to this in our show notes. Mums& Co co-founder Carrie Kwan and I will be giving more insight into our membership and will be available to answer any questions!

We would love to have you as part of the community at Mums & Co. If you’re starting your small business journey, or considering it, we are the business community for you, and we'd love to have a chat today about what joining us means for you.