5 marketing basics you can action today

Do you want to market your business better? Here are five things you can do right now.

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Do you want to market your business better? Don't have much time or money? Don't know where to start? Here are five things you can do right now that are easy, free or very inexpensive.

1. Google My Business

Google offers a free business listing service where you simply load up your details and the site will guide you through a range of free tools that you can use to boost your search engine profile. If you list a physical address, you will need to wait a few days for a verification code to show up in the mail. After that, it's extremely user-friendly and straight forward to step through the process.

2. Attend and host events

Why don't you host a free event? It could be a coffee morning, a networking event, a talk or an open day. Alternatively you could invite clients, customers and stakeholders to relevant events as your guests, join the local Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Club, or attend industry events, meet ups (like Mums & Co events) and conferences. Just make sure you have business cards or at least an elevator pitch ready to go when people ask you what you do.

3. Pitch stories to the media

This free resource is so often overlooked. Do you know who is writing about your area of expertise? Do you read trade press, local papers, or sections in the major metro papers that relate to you and your business?

A quick Google will usually throw up the contact details of a couple of journalists and editors who might be interested in speaking to you. The key questions are: Have you got any news (ie remember news has to be NEW) and what's your angle? What's different about you, what you do and how you're doing it? Need some Expert Advice on your PR strategy? Why not have a chat with one of our marketing and PR experts?

4. Create your own email newsletter

Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing. If you have less than 2000 subscribers, MailChimp is free. MailChimp also has a micro newsletter platform called Tiny Letter that is free up to 5000 subscribers. Campaign Monitor is relatively inexpensive - the pricing is based on the number of people you are sending to. The upshot is that these tools are cheap and easy as pie so why not send your clients and business leads news, information and relevant entertainment?

5. Enter awards

There are plenty of awards that are free to enter. Look out for business awards that are backed by the local council, Chamber of Commerce, industry bodies or programs like the Telstra Business Awards. While it might take time to put your submission together, there is usually a PR machine behind most award programs and winning is always considered good news.

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