Member Profile: Ee Zen Cha, Founder of REAVA Solutions

Our monthly member profile - a chance for our community members to share more about themselves and their business with the world.

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Describe your biz in a sentence:
I help female coaches, consultants and online course creators to implement their strategic objectives, continuously improve their business processes and systematise their operations so that they can elevate their business growth.

Tell us how your business came to be:
I registered my business when my first child was born. It was a side hustle at that time. After giving birth to my second child, I decided to resign, and stay focused on my own business. A diverse engineering and management background in the corporate world and previous work experience in quality management system allows me to lend my skills, knowledge, and expertise to help small business owners. 

What has been one of your best business calls/decisions to date?
When I resigned from my previous job and decided to build my own business.

Describe a time when you took a risk - how did it work out for you?
I made a decision to part ways with a significant client due to the near burnout I was experiencing at that time. I’m aware this would affect my revenue, so I took proactive steps to restructure my service offerings. As a Christian, I believe that when one door closes, another opens, and the good times will come when the timing is right. Which it did. 

Funny situation that happened through your business?
I’m not an early bird so don’t expect me to wake up at 5am - but I’m a night owl, and sometimes I reply my emails at night and schedule them to be sent early in the morning to pretend I’m an early bird person. 

Your daily motto?
Improving and adding value to my clients and myself. 

What are three things you could help other members with?
1) As your Online Business Manager (OBM), I’m your strategic consultant, providing collaborative expertise to drive the growth of your business
2) As your business mentor, I provide a mentoring program to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to success
3) Dedicated tech support to ensure you’re leveraging your digital tools effectively to maximise it’s optimal results for your business operational

What are three things you need help with at the moment?
To have an effective PR strategy to improve my visibility, more connections with other businesses for speaking engagements either on podcast, guest speaker or facilitator on membership.

Tell us about your business in under 30 words?
I help female coaches, consultants and online course creators to implement their strategic objectives, continuously improve their business processes and systematise their operations so that they can elevate their business growth.

What projects are coming up next?
Planning a sister company focus on supporting autistic kids.

How do you maintain your motivation?
I have a set of KPIs to measure my weekly and monthly progress. Meeting my KPIs means I’m on the right track, if anything didn’t meet the KPIs means there is areas of improvement.

What is something about running your business that you wish you had been told sooner?
Progress is more important than perfection.

What are your favourite business tools (and why?)
Google Workspace & ClickUp. It’s my business hub for my business operations. 

What would you like to see more of when it comes to helping women in small businesses succeed?
A positive mindset on self worth and authority.

Has there been a significant business mentor in your career?
Bob Everett, my career mentor. He taught me some invaluable lessons at the start of my professional journey, and I continue to apply these principles to both my business and clients.

What’s your approach to dealing with the pressures of running your business?
Pause and reset. Take a moment to reflect what happened and how I should move forward.

What’s your approach on ‘the juggle’?
Focus on what is possible at that time and what I can do to move forward.

What is one of the most important piece of advice you would give to someone beginning their business? A couple of years into their business?
Focus on one thing at a time and get it right until you can rinse and repeat the same process again and again. 

How would you describe your family life?
Male dominant, busy household. A loving and dedicated hubby and dad, 2 energetic boys and a puppy (male). This new addition brings so much joy to our family. We’re Christian family and attend church service every Sunday to strengthen our faith and share our values with the community. My family is my first priority like any other wife and mum. 

What do you think is your most transferable skill between motherhood and business?
Progress is more important than perfection.  

How would we find you spending your weekends?
Kids’ sport, visit park & picnic, movie night at home, dine out or have a feast at home, Sunday Church service.

What’s the last book you read that you’d recommend to a friend?
10x is easier than 2x, Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. 

What does mumbition mean to you? (the unapologetic blending of motherhood and ambition)
Anything you truly desire, never stop pursuing.

If you could be introduced to anyone who would it be?
New start-ups 

Who are the mumbitous business owners you would like to shout out to here?
Mums & Co team for making this community awesome.

What’s the best part of being part of the Mums & Co community?
We share the same values.

How has Mums & Co helped you?
Making new connection to share our passion and values together.