Small business ideas for stay at home mums: digital products sales

In this article, we’ll discuss how selling digital products could become a suitable small business...

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Are you a Mumpreneur or a working mum looking for a stream of income with a small business? If so, you might love the idea of working from home and the freedom of choosing your own schedule. This can be especially appealing if you have young children at home that need to be looked after, as it allows you to be around them while exploring the possibility of a career outside of traditional 9-5 employment.

One way to start your own small business from home is by selling digital products. This type of business model is extremely versatile, allowing you to work on your own schedule and create products that are appealing to a range of customers.

In this article, we’ll discuss how selling digital products could become a suitable small business for mums who are looking to stay at home while pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams and mumbitions!

What is a digital product?

A digital product is a type of product that exists in digital forms, such as an online course or e-book. Digital products are often created once and sold multiple times, making them a great option Mumpreneurs who want to start a business without having to stock inventory or handle shipping and orders.

What benefits does selling digital products offer?

Selling digital products is a great way to start a business from home. It can provide you with the flexibility to work on your own schedule and projects, as well as give you the opportunity to reach a global market. It also eliminates the need to store and ship products, which can be a major hassle for small business owners.

Other benefits of selling digital products include:

• Low overhead costs – As you do not need to purchase and store inventory or handle shipping, the overhead costs associated with running a digital product business are relatively low.

• Fast turnaround time – Digital products can be created quickly and easily and you can begin selling the same day.

• Unlimited potential – Once you create a digital product, it can be sold an unlimited number of times, meaning you have the potential to make a steady income from your work.

• Doing something you love – Being a Mumpreneur allows you to pursue your passions while taking care of your family.

Selling digital products could be an ideal small business for anyone who wants to stay at home and make a full-time or part-time income.

Different types of digital products

There are a few different areas you could choose to specialise in, such as content creation, Online coaching or educational products, Affiliate marketing, and more.

Content Creation:

Content creation could be a great way to make money from home. You could create blog posts, eBooks, videos, podcasts and more that are packed with informative, entertaining or educational content. You can either create the content yourself or hire freelance writers to help you out. Once created, your digital products can be sold online on a variety of platforms.

Online Coaching:

If you have knowledge or expertise in a particular area, you could offer online coaching or consulting services. You could create courses, workshops and even one-on-one sessions that people can access from the comfort of their own homes.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing could be another great way to make money online. You can find products or services that you believe in and create content that encourages people to purchase them. When people make a purchase using your affiliate links, you will earn a commission on each sale.

These are just a few of the ways you can make money from home by selling digital products. With some creativity and determination, you can create a profitable business and achieve your mumbition!

Here is an example of how to create a digital product; you could be good at bookkeeping and budgeting. Your experience in the corporate world or your profession could be a valuable asset for others.

You could create a budgeting template and sell that to your audience via online platforms. You could also create an e-book about budgeting, which would enable people to learn the basics of budgeting and how to manage their finances.

Additionally, you could also create an online budgeting course and offer one-on-one or group coaching sessions. This gives you the opportunity to connect directly with your audience and really help them improve their financial skills.

This is only an example of how you can create different types of digital products based on your expertise, knowledge and experience. With the right mindset and determination, you can create a successful digital product business from home!

A great thing about digital products could be that you can take the info inside your head and turn it into a digital product for your followers and audience to purchase. You could create a perfect product that might generate income continuously and passively. It could be a great way for Mumpreneurs to make an income from home and get to spend time with their family and enjoy the remote business lifestyle.

Selling digital products could be a great way for anyone who wants to stay at home and make a full-time or part-time income. Different types of digital products could be sold online on various platforms.

However, in order to sell these products, it is important to create content consistently that will help grow your audience and followers. Therefore, social platforms, blogs, websites, and email marketing are some of the best channels to promote your digital products.

Virtual assistance and Content Writing Services

If you do not have a digital product to sell, you could always offer backend support services such as virtual assistance and content writing services. You can offer these services to your clients and get paid for it.

Content writing is becoming an increasingly popular way for businesses to create content for their websites, blogs and social media accounts. With the right skills, you could offer your services as a freelance writer and help businesses create content that drives engagement and boosts sales.

Selling digital products requires heaps of work behind the scenes, and that is where a virtual assistant can be of great help. There are various tasks that a VA could help with, such as helping to manage the website, content creation and customer service. It is a great small business idea for anyone who likes to work from home and make money from home while helping other businesses grow.

In this digital age, there are lots of opportunities for Mumpreneurs to make money from home by selling digital products. It is important to have the right mindset and determination, as it takes effort to create a successful digital product business from home.

Last word

Joining our Mums and Co network is one of the best ways for you Mumpreneurs to really get the support you need in order to create a successful small business. At Mums and Co provide the insight, knowledge and resources that are needed to create and launch your small business with confidence.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming seminars!