Vanessa Bell Mumbition the Podcast


The Podcast By Mums & Co

Episode 2: How to navigate raising kids and running your own business as a single mum

Julia Hasche

Founder Single Mother Survival Guide

November 30, 2021
Five years ago Julia Hasche, left a toxic relationship and a corporate career to start her own business whilst being a single mother with a very young daughter. Julia is the founder of Single Mother Survival Guide and is the guest on episode two of Mumbition - The Podcast by Mums & Co.Did you know that 7% of small businesses in Australia are owned and operated by single mums? Chances are you or one of your friends are part of this group. Life as a parent, especially as a single mum, builds many transferable skills which can have a positive impact on your business, like enhanced prioritisation, budgeting and planning skills.Julia is proud of being a positive role model to her daughter by exemplifying that you can do what you love as a career. She shares her story of harmonising ambition, livelihood and wellbeing as a single parent with Carrie and Lucy.So how do you achieve balance as a business owner? Why is outsourcing such a powerful tool? And Is the shape of a successful life octagonal? Listen to the episode now to find out!



Lucy mentions - Turia Pitt at the Mums & Co BeMPowered Conference 2021
Julia mentions - Canna Campbell
Julia mentions - Kasia Pivot to Happiness
Julia mentions - Turia Pitt


Produced & Edited by - Morgan Brown
Interviewers - Carrie Kwan and Lucy Kippist
Guest - Julia Hasche

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    • Read the blog article
    • How to navigate raising kids and running your own business as a single parent

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Episode 2 Transcript

Carrie Kwan
0:00:00 - 0:00:46
Hi, welcome to Mumbition, the podcast for business-owning women by Mums & Co, where we share inspiring stories of Australian mums in business. I'm Carrie Kwan, the co-founder of Mums & Co, and I will be joined each week by our community manager, Lucy Kippist. Together, we'll discuss how our guests harmonise their ambition, livelihood, and well-being. Let's get into the inspiring stories now.In the spirit of reconciliation, Mums & Co acknowledges the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia, and their connections to land, sea, and community. We pay our respect to elders, past and present, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.
As business owners, livelihood comes pretty close to the top of our priority list. While we must run a business that we feel passionate about, equally, it needs to make us money. This reality rings even more true when, as the business owner and mum, you're also the sole provider and primary caregiver to your children. This is exactly the position that today's guest, Julia Hasche, found herself in five years ago, when she left both the toxic relationship and a corporate career in the mining industry to start her own business whilst being a single mother to her very young daughter. Julia’s experience reflects that of approximately 7% of business owning mothers across Australia who are setting off on their own in business and life as single parents.

Lucy Kippist
0:00:46 - 0:01:23
That 7% is a really important statistic in the context of today's interview because, as we will soon hear, Julia's ambition for her own business extended well beyond her own livelihood, and she was on a mission to support other mothers going through divorce and separation. Julia has worked tirelessly to create the single mum survival community while raising her own daughter as a single mum herself, and she also hosts a weekly podcast. Her mumbition, combined with her daily commitment to wellbeing, makes her an inspiring member of our Mums & Co community. Julia, welcome to the Mumbition podcast.

Julia Hasche
0:01:23 - 0:01:27
Thank you. That was very nice. Thank you. I'm so happy to be here.

Carrie Kwan
0:01:27 - 0:01:46
Julia, our first question to any business owning mum is, uh you know, what do you do? We love hearing the pitch, and we believe that every woman who’s running a business should embrace every opportunity that they have to make introductions and connect with customers. So please, please share your elevator pitch.

Julia Hasche
0:01:46 - 0:02:42
I help single mothers navigate and adjust to the reality of raising kids alone and to overcome and grow through all of those associated struggles by providing strategies, tools and, most of all, community so that they are supported as they learn to thrive and feel empowered and live their best life. And the way I do that is through my mentoring programmes for single mums. I do that through my blog, my weekly podcast that you mentioned, which is called Single Mothers Survival Guide, and also through my online membership experience for single mothers, which is called Thrive Tribe. So that's kind of what I do in a nutshell. And I also have another little business called Hashtag Media, which is primarily doing social media management for mining and mining related businesses. And also podcast editing and running podcasting workshops for women, not just women, anyone who is interested in starting a podcast.

Carrie Kwan
0:02:42 - 0:03:13
So many things running through my head at the moment, outside of the fact that your days must be fairly full. And certainly that, you know, just how entrepreneurial our business owner mums are. And, you know, I think about a third of us actually have run a business before, have another business. So I love that you've mentioned both, I'd also love to know what do you currently love about your business right now.

Julia Hasche
0:03:15 - 0:04:25
What I love is the podcast that I mentioned just turned five this this week that we're recording, and it's something that I'm really, really proud of because we've got a really beautiful community. The listeners are just gorgeous women who write to me, and I know that it makes such a difference to them. We have incredible guest experts that come on and give advice and tips and everything for single mums. And then there's the single mums that come on and share their stories to help other women. I don't know if I can share this, but Lucy has been one of those, and it's just incredible because I think I'm all about the sisterhood. I'm all about women supporting women, and I just think such great things can happen when we come together. Like I think there can be this real competitiveness between women. And I'm about women coming together and supporting one another and sharing stories, and I think that's really powerful. And then I'm also really, really proud of Thrive Tribe. And that's what I love at the moment. It's my favourite place on the internet. We have a beautiful community of women who are action takers. They all want to live their best life, and it's just a beautiful community and sacred group. So that's what I love most.

Carrie Kwan
0:04:25 - 0:04:52
And there’s so much to love about that there. Happy 5th. That's a huge milestone, and we are absolutely celebrating it and absolutely celebrating that you are very much in the same ethos as Mums & Co in terms of you’re lifting, all women. And, you know, a rising tide lifts all of us. So thank you for that amazing work that you have tirelessly committed yourself to over the last five years and sharing those conversations.

Julia Hasche
0:04:52 - 0:04:55
Thank you. I've loved every minute of it.

Lucy Kippist
0:04:55 - 0:05:17
There's definitely lots of shared purpose among our communities. And as Carrie mentioned in the intro, we love asking our community to practise their business pitch but we also love making introductions, something I'm sure also you understand and see the value of in your business. So if there was anything right now that you could ask for in your business or your life, what would it be?

Julia Hasche
0:05:17 - 0:05:49
A clone, a clone right now would be great with everything we're trying to do in lockdown. Um, I actually had to think about this question, and I think I'm all about bringing more joy back into our life and something that I've been wanting to do for ages and I haven't done it since I was pregnant, was play the guitar, and I don't even remember how to play anymore, so I'd love the guitar teacher. If there's anyone guitar teachers out there, hook me up with some classes!

Lucy Kippist
0:05:49 - 0:06:17
Yeah, that would be, you can imagine, quite simple to learn on Zoom. I'm sure there's someone out there, I'm sure. Yeah. I mean, that's probably another string to your bow then, which is considerable. You're running your community, you're hosting your podcast. You're facilitating mentoring sessions, blah, blah, blah, blah all those things and blogging and raising your daughter. So what is it that you've had to stop doing to ensure that you can make all of those other aspects of it?

Julia Hasche
0:06:17 - 0:07:37
It's funny because I think there's a lot of talk about balance, and I am all about balance. But I also think balance is prioritising things that are important to you in this very moment. So, you know, if you're running a business in the middle, if you're in the middle of a launch, then maybe that's not trying to do all the other things. You know, I kind of try to focus on the key things that are really essential to me and all the other stuff doesn't matter. So the key things for me, like daily exercise. You know, just even if it's 20 minutes for me, I need that. It's meditation, and it's scheduling that in and sticking it in my timetable. And it's not worrying about things that, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. Like housework. You know, like, I really don't do that much of it. Like, you know, I clean my house when it needs to be done. I'm not like, Oh, my gosh, I need to do this every day. I'm not about that. And I'm also about outsourcing. So, you know, whether that's in your personal life or in your business for me. I've had a VA now for quite a few months, and that's been really good. And it's enabled me to let go of tasks that I don't need to focus on, and then I can focus on other things in my life that I want to want to do you know.

Carrie Kwan
0:07:37 - 0:08:18
I like that, when you were talking about outsourcing as well, sometimes that outsourcing doesn't need to have a monetary value to it. I feel like technology has helped me outsource. So tools that actually helped me do the work that I need to do or set up, you know, some are time saving. Or it's actually the courage to ask for outsourcing, right? That might be to anybody to please look after my child for a couple of hours. Just kind of having that courage to ask is a form of outsourcing.

Julia Hasche
0:08:18 - 0:08:19
Yeah, 100%.

Carrie Kwan
0:08:20 - 0:08:35
How have you found this journey of motherhood and running a business? Have you found any sort of key transferable skills? Do you think that these skills changed when perhaps you became a single mum?

Julia Hasche
0:08:35 - 0:09:18
I think when you're a mum, you, maybe not everyone, but for me, I was like, I thought I was organised, but I'm going to have to get a bit more organised. You know, I'm a big planner coming from an engineering background. I'm all about planning. I'm all about schedules. I love that stuff. So I think for me and budgeting as well, I should say, like mothering you kind of and as a single mum, all those skills have really had to be enhanced because you've got to really look after your time better. You've got to plan out when you're doing what. You've got to look at your budget. And I think, if anything, being a single mum has only made me better at those skills.

Carrie Kwan
0:09:18 - 0:09:35
Absolutely. The budgeting. Gosh, that's across allocation, right? You know, a finite amount of resources, energy, And you know that the way of looking at that is a really interesting and a great skill to share.

Lucy Kippist
0:09:35 - 0:09:58
Yeah, I was actually thinking about you this week, Julia, because I found an article on your blog about how to homeschool as a single mum and just your tips were so good because I've been looking for a structure. You can tell that even in the way that you had to think about processes, it was very clear to me that it's all about that scheduling.

Julia Hasche
0:09:58 - 0:10:07
And it might change, you know, like, I think that blog post that you're referring to, I think I wrote that last year, and this time I'm doing it differently. And it's just what works for you in that time.

Carrie Kwan
0:10:08 - 0:10:34
Like the Single Mums Survival Guide, Mums & Co is the first and foremost a community. It's a movement, and we love celebrating the support of our Co. Our Co is the network of partners, friends, family and clients. You know, local baristas. Anyone in our village, that can support us and our ambitions. Can you tell us a little bit about your Co and how they support you?

Julia Hasche
0:10:34 - 0:12:28
Yes, I love that whole thing about a village. I think we really need that. The number one person in my village is my daughter. You know, it's been her and I since she was two months old. She sees her dad, but you know, she lives with me, and I am very open with her. We have a very like, friendly relationship, maybe more so than other mums, because, you know, it's just been the two of us always. So it's kind of a different dynamic, but she's definitely my teammate, and she's the reason for everything that I do. I have a partner now. He's amazing. He's my best friend. He is such a big supporter of mine, a great sounding board, and he also helps me get things done. It's really a foreign concept for me because I haven't lived with anyone since my daughter's father, which was eight years ago. And now suddenly, like someone comes in when I'm working and aska “should I get started on dinner?” And I'm like, “Yes!” like what? Amazing! It’s such a good feeling. So it's great to have him around. Obviously, that's not the only reason why I love him. My Thrive Tribe group that I mentioned are the best group of women ever. And I really talked them through a lot of my ideas and plans, and I just really feel their love and support every day. And then I think, my friends, I just actually feel really lucky and grateful. I've just got the best group of friends. Most of my close friends I've known since I was like, five, the very beginning of school. They’re still my closest friends today, and, yeah, like I talked them, I talked through a lot of ideas that I have and things that I'm thinking about and and like, you know, vice versa. And yeah, they're big supporters. And it's just yeah, really nice to have them in my life.

Carrie Kwan
0:12:28 - 0:12:52
Amazing, there's such a smattering of people there that can inspire you in a personal aspect or in a professional aspect. But it seems like, they're very, very respectful of your blending of both. So thank you for sharing a little bit about your Co.Julia Hasche0:12:52 - 0:12:53No worries.

Lucy Kippist
0:12:53 - 0:13:12
Julia. Obviously, your business is devoted to helping and supporting and mentoring other single mothers, and we know that approximately 7% of small businesses in Australia actually owned and started and operated by single mothers. What do you think your experience of life as a single mum has brought to your business both the pros and the cons of that?

Julia Hasche
0:13:13 - 0:13:53
I think the pros have been overcoming mindset blocks, that's been a big one. Another pro, has been great planning, I mentioned that before, and one of the biggest ones would probably be determination. I think, as a single mum going into business, there's no one else to really support you. There's no second income if you like, so I think being a single mum has brought me a lot of determination. I think in business and a lot of motivation because it's kind of like it's going to work or it's not. There's no other person there to hold you up.

Lucy Kippist
0:13:53 - 0:14:16
Absolutely, and I think I also read somewhere and that, starting a business or changing your career in any capacity when you're a single mum is really, really common, because it's almost like you've got that mentality of, “well, I'm doing everything else”. There is that ingenuity that comes from that life experience.

Julia Hasche
0:14:16 - 0:15:21
I think it's also looking at this new situation that you're in as an opportunity. And a lot of the time when we're in relationships, we can become a bit stuck in just the way we live our life. You know, it's not a bad thing. It's just what we're used to, and it's just what we've been doing. But it's kind of like a reset when you become a single mum and you're just like, what next? What am I going to do now? And it just kind of makes you rethink everything. It's such a good opportunity to just get back to being you. I think in relationships we often lose ourselves and when you're a single mum, you come out. Then you're in the situation, when you overcome all that grief, you kind of like, “okay, well, what can I do with this now? What is it that I want to do? Do I want to travel a lot of the time?” You don't have to have that other person to think about. You don't have to compromise as much, so it's quite empowering actually.

Carrie Kwan
0:15:21 - 0:15:41
I love that you're saying that it's actually an opportunity for you to really dig deep and see what you want? And I think we forget to ask ourselves that question or give the space for that. You know, when you reset like you said, that's when you kind of get really clear on that again or invite a chance for that.

Lucy Kippist
0:15:41 - 0:15:52
I've heard you speak about the putting that opportunity lens on this life experience before Julia, and it's so powerful. And if you can run with that it's hard to run with that.

Carrie Kwan
0:15:54 - 0:16:09
So you’ve been running Single Mums Survival Guide for many years now, and often sharing lots about your personal life on Instagram. What is something about Julia that we might not see on social media?

Julia Hasche
0:16:09 - 0:17:54
You know, I think I actually probably share more on my podcast, I'd say, because it's kind of always been like my diary. It's kind of like it started as a bit of an audio blog slash diary, you know. But anyway, I think there's not a lot that I keep quiet. To be honest, I'm a pretty open book, and I'm always like that, not just on social media. I'm always like that in my normal life, like I'm like that with people that I'm close to, and I'm like that with complete strangers as well. I think, they're like, “oh, thanks for sharing that!” I think when you're open though, it encourages other people to open up, and it helps. It helps women feel less alone, you know, and I always think it's really interesting when you look at how people communicate, and you'll notice this if you're looking out for it. If you find a woman that shares something really personal, generally someone will respond with also sharing something personal, which I think is really nice. You know, it's just a way to connect, and we really need that. But if anything, I probably I have quite a silly side, which I don't really share that much on social media. To the extent where if I do something silly or something that I find funny, people take me seriously and I'm like, “no, no, it's a joke” so I think I'm probably not very humorous probably on social media. And there's also things I don't share, like, you know, I don't share my daughter's name. I don't share my ex's name. I don't share personal things that are going on in anyone else's life. I don't share my ex's situation with his ex wife and their kids, you know, it's just it's more about my experiences.

Carrie Kwan
0:17:54 - 0:18:56
Having those boundaries, and those parameters set up are so important. We put a lot out. I think you're in such an advocacy role too. You're helping your community through it. So you already are actually revealing a big part of your life. So I think we have to have those areas where we're happy not to go as well. I'm looking at all the privacy. Private is private. I'm always thinking about how we as parents always have the safety radar on. I think this is one of the parallels between running a business and being a mum. How have your life experiences shaped your relationship to, say, business risk? Are there any sort of processes or measures that you put in place to protect yourself against risk?

Julia Hasche
0:18:57 - 0:20:41
It's funny, because before I had my daughter, as you mentioned the beginning, I was working as a full time mining engineer, and when I went back into the workforce after she was 17 months old, I got a job as a risk engineer. So I'm always very... I think from a risk perspective, and even in the mining industry, it's obviously a very risky industry, everything is about safety. And, you know, what would you do if this happens? And so I think I'm a bit like that, too. I think it's a bit like an unofficial risk assessment that I probably do in my head. I don't write anything down, but I do think a lot about things. I think. Okay, if I do this, this could happen. What would I do? You know, like I just try and map things out. But I do think of things. I'm optimistic, but I'm a realist as well, you know? So, even though I think you've got to be brave in business, you've got to go for it. When I first started, I was like, maybe it’s a bit risky to put myself out there and just stop doing anything else and just have this business because I have a daughter to support. I have rent to pay. I have to buy food. So it's having that, what do you call it? Like having a part time job, maybe, or a casual job and also starting your business and kind of like having this overlap, I think is important. But also, I think going through life, everyone goes through some challenges and tough times. And what those tough times that I've been through have taught me is that life is really short. At the end of the day, I think you've got to do what you love.

Julia Hasche
0:20:41 - 0:21:34
You know, we spend so much time working and the people in your community are obviously all driven women as well and a lot of them have or want their own businesses or they want something more that they're working on for themselves. And I think that's fantastic. I think we all need our little projects. We need something-  things that bring joy into our lives that we're passionate about. I think it's a great message for our kids too because, you know, kids just sort of grow up “What are you gonna be when you grow up?” “You going to do this?” The question isn't asked, “What would make you really happy if you could do this as a job when you grow up?” It's more like an expectation if that makes sense. So I want to teach my daughter I'm doing what I love. You should do what you love as well. You know, life is just too short.

Carrie Kwan
0:21:34 - 0:22:34
Absolutely what I think a lot of whilst it's challenging. Like half of our movement will say, Yeah, this is challenging, running a business. But yet, they see that they're setting a great example, that they're pursuing their own, you know what makes them happy and what brings them a sense of satisfaction and part of their identity. Definitely setting a good example for their Children. That's important that both the young boys, in my case and the young girls, have to see that. Great perspective on the risk side of things, I think that's very prudent. We have to balance out being okay with not knowing everything and stepping into the unknown with that sense of okay, I should I should actually think about a few things and think about the plan and how to transition myself over. Or, you know, I think it's really important
and finding things out because if you don't know something that creates fear and fear holds us back and we want to make decisions based on fear. So the more knowledge we have, you know, the better equipped we are as well to handle these things that come up.

Lucy Kippist
0:22:49 - 0:23:13
I was just thinking as I was listening to both of you speak and the other part of all of this, is that I think it’s a bit of a misnomer that just because something is easier that it's going to make you happier? Just because something has less risk or is less demanding of all the resources. It's not necessarily going to make you any happier, so why not just dive in.

Julia Hasche
0:23:13 - 0:23:14

Lucy Kippist
0:23:14 - 0:23:37
Speaking of all of those things, Julia, and of all the considerations that you obviously take into account every day for your business and your home life. How is it that you're staying grounded? What is it? I know that on your instagram you post a lot of walks. You're in a really beautiful part of Sydney. What is it that helps ground you every day? What's something in your well being routine? That's a must have?

Julia Hasche
0:23:37 - 0:25:17
For me, it's starting my day with the morning ritual. I start at five. Life right now is really busy. So I'm pretty much at my desk, I take breaks and stuff to exercise. But I'm on from five till five at night. So I start at five because it just gives me half an hour in the morning before my daughter gets up, my partner's asleep. It's nice. I get up, I make a coffee, I meditate. I journal. That's a really important part of my day, and it just sets me up in the right way. You mentioned walking and exercise every day. For me, it's more of a mental health activity than anything else. Staying connected. So especially now in lockdown, it's making time for zooms with my friends or talking to my family. It really helps me. Every day I try to read and I always finish my day with gratitude as well. And it's funny because I was talking to one of my friends the other day. It was actually really bad. She just got covid and she was saying how something that's really helping her is practising gratitude. And I was like, I'm really glad, like, you know, because I have learned a lot about gratitude and she's like, “Honestly, if you told me two weeks two years ago to do this, I would have kicked you.” You know, some people don't want to do this. But I think for me, gratitude is more about the way you look at life, and it's the longer term impacts that practising gratitude has that we don't realise. It's not just about sitting down and taking a few minutes out of your day to think about what you're grateful for on that day. But it actually really helps to flip your mindset.

Julia Hasche
0:25:17 - 0:25:48
So you're looking for the good things in your day and doing these little things in my day, like practising gratitude and having my morning ritual and meditating. It just keeps me happy. It keeps me healthy in my mind. And as someone who has experienced depression and anxiety in their twenties really badly, like I was hospitalised for six weeks, for me, mental health is number one. So every day I make sure I do things that protect my mental health.

Carrie Kwan
0:25:50 - 0:26:16
There’s an incredible, I think, a sense of perspective that you have in that process. You are always looking for the things that count. You're focused on the right things for you. So thank you for sharing that perspective. That beautiful perspective. Now, at Mums & Co we talk about harmony as this triangle of ambition, livelihood and wellbeing. Could you describe the shape of a good life for you?

Julia Hasche
0:26:16 - 0:26:35
Mine's probably either a circle or like maybe a pie or a cake. I don't know why I said pie. I don't eat pie, maybe a cake with like eight slices or an octagon because I've got eight areas that I like to focus on in my life. You both are laughing at me.

Lucy Kippist
0:26:36 - 0:26:39
I was just legitimately thinking who doesn't like pie?

Julia Hasche
0:26:43 - 0:28:06
When I think of pie, I think of meat pies and I don't eat meat. So I'm like, when’s the last time I ate a pie? Anyway, when I look at, the eight areas and this is what I encourage the ladies in Thrive Tribe to do, these are the areas that were building up. It's your physical. So that's your exercise. Looking after your physical self drinking water, sleep all that stuff. It's your spirituality or your religion, whatever it is that you believe, but something that meditation is in that, you know, practising gratitude, just being like connected. Finances being on top of your finances hugely important. Your emotional well being. Relationships for a single parent, that's one of the most important relationships is the relationship that you have with your ex partner because they're just such a daily or weekly or monthly influence in your life. So it's really important to try and keep that healthy, and the relationships, obviously with your family and your friends and your children. And then there's the self part, which is like your self care. Then there's the parenting. And then there's the practical things in your life. And so there's eight. So I'm going with octagon or cake or pie cut into eight. Whatever you want to go with.

Carrie Kwan
0:28:06 - 0:28:15
That’s a great shape and sounds pretty tasty as well. I actually think that’s the first time someone said that shape.

Carrie Kwan
0:28:17 - 0:28:36
I love it. Okay, so for all of our single mothers that are listening to this episode and I know that there will be many, who are also considering starting a business, what is the most important tip that you'd like to share with them?

Julia Hasche
0:28:36 - 0:30:32
I think starting a business as a single mum definitely there's more to think about than if you're not a single mum. I think you're already a one woman show. You're trying to do everything in your life anyway and throwing in a new business on top of that and potentially keeping your other job and whatever, it's a lot to manage. It's scary, and it's incredibly overwhelming. So I would say one of the biggest tips is mustering your mindset because we really are our best worst enemies. That inner critic comes out and tells us we can't do it or, you know, why would you consider doing this? And I think you've got to overcome that. I think also as well. It's really important to be super passionate about what you want to do, because what I get a lot is people coming to me that want to start a similar business or their single mums and they go, “I want to start what do you think?” I think from the outside, it looks great, but no one sees all the work that is going on in the background. I spent years where I got very little sleep. I compromised other areas of my life like, spending quality time with my child. I compromised, looking for and putting effort into personal relationships, and that's fine, At the time I wanted to, I had to put this for me. I had to put this energy and that time into growing my business. But I just think it's got to be something that you love, because if you don't love it and you don't want to keep doing it in five years, then it's something to think about because you are going to lose this time with other people and it is going to impact other areas of your life. And then I'd say, planning.

Lucy Kippist
0:30:32 - 0:30:51
Julia, thank you so much for sharing all of that. Now you're obviously a very passionate supporter of women. So what we like to ask towards the end of the podcast is in the spirit of women supporting women, who are your mumbitious? So the ambitious women and mums that you know, running businesses that you would like to shout out to.

Julia Hasche
0:30:51 - 0:32:23
A shout out to one of my one of my friends Turia Pitt. So she, obviously most people have heard of her. But if you are wanting to run, she has a course on getting mums to run, and I think she's amazing. She's an amazing role model. She's an amazing teacher. She's amazing, coach. So if you wanna run, she made me run, and I hate running like I hate it. Now I run sometimes I don't even know who I am, so check her out for sure. There's another one that I really wanted to mention because I chatted with her the other day and she was one of the guests in my Thrive Tribe community. She was a guest expert, and her name is Kasia, and I'm just looking for her instagram, but it's like Pivot To Happiness. She is incredible. So you definitely want to check her out because she works a lot with people who are really trying to transform their thinking. And that's something that I'm really passionate about myself. I also love Canna Campbell. I don't know if you guys know of her. She's all about budgeting and finances. She has the $1000 Project, which is amazing. I've learned a lot from her, and she's also a past single mum. I'm a massive supporter of past and present single mums, so she's remarried, I think remarried, but she has other kids anyway. If you're interested in investing money or like saving money, check out Canna Campbell.

Lucy Kippist
0:32:24 - 0:33:05
Thank you, Julia. They are awesome tips, and we know Turia well, here at Mums & Co. She spoke at our conference earlier this year. And if anyone wants to check that out, they can see that on a digital library as well. She's phenomenal. As you say, Julia, thank you so much for joining us today. It's just been wonderful to hear your insights as a single mum and as a business owner. We hope you've enjoyed today's podcast. And if you'd like to follow Julia, you can find her at Single Mothers Survival Guide on Instagram. And if you haven't already, please come and join our ambitious, supportive movement of thousands of Australian business owning mums just like you at mumsandco.com.au

Julia Hasche
0:33:06 - 0:33:08
Thank you so much for having me. Thank you.

0:33:17 - 0:33:19
What's your favorite game to play with your daughter?

Julia Hasche
0:33:19 - 0:33:56
We play lots of games. Actually, we like playing board games. We like playing Quirkle and Uno but at the moment, what we love to do is, I don't know if you've seen the show Survivor, but my daughter loves it. So do I, and she likes to set up a little, like elimination and reward challenges in our living room. And we do that. It's really fun.  
It is fun with your favourite game.

0:33:49 - 0:33:50
Sounds like fun.

Julia Hasche
0:33:19 - 0:33:56
It is fun. What’s your favourite game?

0:33:57 - 0:33:58

Julia Hasche
0:33:58 - 0:34:02
Yeah, My daughter loves that, too. And roblox. Do you like roblox? Everyone's going crazy about it.

0:34:02 - 0:34:03
Yeah, I have that too on my ipad.

Lucy Kippist
0:34:03 - 0:34:06
Remy you've been the best podcast co host. Thank you.

Carrie Kwan
0:34:08 - 0:34:12
This is a Mums & Co podcast.