
Be MPowered 2024

The conference for business owning women by Mums & Co

Thursday 28 November 2024 | 10:00am - 2:00pm | Online


A conference for business-owning women

We know that it can be tough to succeed at launching, growing and staying in business.

It can be isolating when you’re this small and working remotely. It’s a daily challenge to harmonise ambition, livelihood and wellbeing. 
What’s more itinvolves considerable risk when venturing and raising a family. 

Five years ago when we first started Be MPowered we couldn’t find a conference that worked for us as working mums, so we created our own.

As business-owning women we need a way to network, connect, upskill and grow that works for us as business owning mums. 

That’s why Be MPowered exists!


Be MPowered 2023 was sponsored by

Arise Health logoArise Health logoThe Paak logoOE logo2020INC logoEphicient logoPinch Payments

Who should attend?

Mums & Co is the network helping women in business grow.

This conference is for you, no matter what stage of business or motherhood you are in.

Whether you are a...

  • Mum to a newborn or a grandmother.
  • Thinking of starting a business or already well established.
  • You live in a city or rurally.
  • Not a mum or a business owner - just interested in the content.

Everyone is welcome!



Here's what you can expect from the day.
(Please note: schedule is subject to change.)

What Be MPowered attendees are saying...

  1. 9:30am Welcome to Be MPowered
  2. 9:35am Acknowledgement of Country
    Presented by Mundanara Bayles Black Card
  3. 9:40am Welcome to Be MPowered
    Carrie Kwan |Executive Manager | Mums & Co
  4. 9:50am Visibility: How to Sell with Video
    Jade Warne | Small Business Growth Club
  5. 10:15am Visibility: How to Ruthlessly Prioritise in a World of Endless Distraction and Never-Ending To-Do Lists
    Michelle Klein | Chief Customer and Marketing Officer | IAG

    Proudly Sponsored by NRMA Insurance

  6. 10:30am Business Connections: Chatworking Groups Session
  7. 11:05am Visibility: Panel - How to Reach Your First 1,000 Customers
    Carrie Kwan | Executive Manager| Mums & Co
    Michelle Klein | Chief Customer and Marketing Officer | IAG
    Jillian Kilby | CEO | The Exchange
    Annette Densham | Founder |The Audacious Agency

    Proudly sponsored by NRMA Insurance
  8. 11:50am Resilience: How to Charge What You're Really Worth
    Carrie Kwan | Executive Manager | Mums & Co
    Jaala Alex | Community Manager | Thriday 
    Trenna Probert | Founder | Super Fierce  
    Joe  McCord | Head of Growth | Pinch Payments

    Proudly sponsored by Thriday
  9. 12:20pm Resilience: How to Make 6 Figures in School Hours
    Kate Toon | Founder & Digital Marketing Coach | Kate Toon
  10. 12:45pm Resilience: Starting Again with a Smile
    Kristina Karlsson | Founder | Dream Life
  11. 1:30pm Event Concludes


Here's who you will be learning from at Be MPowered 2023. We've brought together industry experts to share practical tips and inights with you.

Jade Warne
Founder Small Business Growth Club

How to SELL with video

Kate Toon
Founder Stay Tooned Inc

How To Make Six Figures In School Hours

Kristina Karlsson
Founder kikki.K & Dream Life

Starting Again With A Smile

Carrie Kwan
Co-Founder Mums & Co

MC and Panel Host

Mundanara Bayles
Founder The Black Card

Acknowledgement of Country

Trenna Probert
Founder Super Fierce

Panel Speaker

Jaala Alex
Community Manager Thriday

Panel Speaker

Jillian Kilby
CEO The Exchange

Panel Speaker

Joe McCord
Head of Growth Pinch Payments

Panel Speaker

Annette Densham
Founder The Audacious Agency

Panel Speaker


Don't just take our word for it!

"I loved the Be MPowered Conference Itinerary. A great diversity of speakers with plenty of time to network before, during and after. I really value that at a conference, the time to really connect. Mums & Co. have a gift for bringing together the most wonderful women, but going one step further and making sure the right people connect. I walked away feeling supported and excited about the opportunities for my business in the future. Great event!"


Lovelly Communications

"I really enjoyed the networking opportunities at the Be MPowered event and some of the talks like the Home Admin session. And the welcoming, supportive atmosphere was fantastic. Congrats on building a great community."


Be MPowered attendee

"WOW! MPowered just got BETTER! You know you're enjoying something special when time flies & you're wishing an event would last a few more hours! As someone who attends LOTS of gatherings for women in business, the magic here was thanks to inspirational AND practical presenters - nudging us to be courageous (courtesy of Anna Ronaldo) but also giving us the TIME to do so (life admin advice from Dina & Mia). It was a considered line-up that valued our time + respected our needs + knew our struggles intimately. Thank you to Carrie + Lucy + Olivia + Sarah & all who contributed!"


Hipster Mums Socials

What are the benefits of attending Be MPowered 2023?

Make meaningful business connections

Meet the experts, community, Mums & Co team and companies that can help you grow so that you have more of the right kind of support and resources you need to run your business.

Attend because you’re looking to network in an easy and enjoyable way. Our two Chatworking sessions will be hosted by our Mums & Co Experts to help women reclaim their strengths through a psychologically safe space.

Working from home caring for kids or the elderly, living rurally or in the regions and general life commitments should not be a barrier to your growth. Opportunities should be accessible and as a business owning woman you want to be inspired and upskill.

Increase your visibility

Visibility = more customers, more customers = growth, yet marketing know-how and prioritising time can often be the challenge.

Attend this year’s Be MPowered because you’re ready to create new pathways to success and meet your first (or next) 1000 customers.

Increase your knowledge

Learn from our speakers who are global and local business leading women willing to pay their hard earned success forward including, Kristina Karlsson (Founder of global brand Kikki K), Jade Warne (Founder of the Small Business Growth Club with 100K+ Instagram following), Kate Toon (Founder of Kate Toon, named Australia’s Most Influential Small Business Woman 2022), Michelle Klein, (Chief Customer & Marketing Officer IAG and former Vice President of Global Business and Product Marketing Meta), and Carrie Kwan, Co-Founder and Executive Manager, Mums & Co.

Gain Resilience

As women we are at the helm of our families, businesses, communities and social networks. To gain (and give) the best parts of ourselves to all these facets of our life we need to ground ourselves in who we are, what we believe and what matters to us - this is honouring ourselves and when we do that we power the rest of our lives authentically and sustainably.

Find proven ways to support yourself to be the most productive, inspired and motivated version of yourself by learning from our amazing lineup of global and local speakers.


Be MPowered is business empowerment that’s accessible to everyone, from anywhere

It’s Free

It’s National and 100% digital (access from anywhere)

It’s school-hour friendly



Mums & Co is the community for business-owning mums who want to launch, grow and scale their #mumbition.

The place to harmonise your ambitions, livelihood and wellbeing.

We want to support as many business-owning women in Australia as possible.

For this reason Be MPowered 2023 conference is FREE.


To be accessible for all business owners anywhere with an internet connection Be MPowered 2023 will be hosted online!

Simply register via our member platform and login on the morning of the event to join business-owning women from accross the country.


Feedback from our mumbitious community

You will learn about

How to SELL with video

Jade Warne - Founder Small Business Growth Club

The age of video is here! 

When every consumer has both a production studio & cinema in their pocket, the opportunities to create + connect + sell with video have never been greater.

So what's holding you back?

Whether it's confidence to speak to camera or technical savvy to pair your business footage with a Halloween gif, now is the time for business owning women to elevate their visibility & profitability with videos that sell. 

After Jade's session you will...

1. Understand content that connects on ALL social platforms
2. Grow more followers on social
3. Monetise your following

How To Make Six Figures In School Hours 

Kate Toon - Founder Stay Tooned Inc

Most parents don’t want to build a global empire or make a gazillion dollars a year. They just want to earn a decent income and have time to read their kids a bedtime story without having a meltdown in the process.

Yes, we know running a business can be rewarding. However, it can also seep into every life crack, eat up your energy and leave you exhausted, stressed and snapping at your small humans.

But there is another way, in this workshop Kate will guide you through practical doable tips on how to make serious money and not burn yourself to a frazzle in the process.

Kate's session will help you in...

- Deciding your business ‘why'
- Understanding your parenting style and managing parent guilt
- The real reason why you never have enough hours in your day-Easy productivity wins that you can implement today
- The pathway to a more profitable business
- How to talk to your kids about your business (with example scripts)
-How to recognise the signs of burnout and head it off at the pass.

Starting again with a smile

Kristina Karlsson- Founder kikki.K & Dream Life

Kristina draws on her remarkable personal story and lived experience - of glittering success, failure and starting again - to engage and captivate the audience as she brings context & focus to sharing the most important learnings she made along the way about resilience through any challenge. T

he Covid pandemic impacted many in tough ways, and Kristina is one of them, losing her beloved kikki.K as a result after a remarkable battle against challenge after challenge.

In this engaging, honest, relatable and raw presentation, Kristina shares rarely heard behind the scenes stories and practical learnings from her successes and failures. And most importantly the everyday approaches she used to cope – taking the audience through a masterclass in how to grow a global brand, resilience and how to stay well and productive though the toughest challenges. 

Kristina's session will help you in...

1. Valuable real-life learnings to help you grow your business, and a sense of self-belief that comes from “If she can do it, I can do it”.

2. Practical strategies for staying resilient, well and focussed through challenges – while looking for the silver linings and learnings – and down-to-earth insights into how to apply those strategies in a practical sense – immediately.

3. A memorable ‘up-close-and-personal’ session that will have audience members reflecting and talking for weeks.

How to Ruthlessly Prioritize in a World of Endless Distraction and Never-Ending To-Do Lists

Michelle Klein- Chief Customer & Marketing Officer IAG

Michelle will share practical ways to think about prioritization, both in life and at work and tools to use to be more intentional about time management and focus. This session will also help listeners think about how to empower others in doing so, lifting people up collectively.

Michelle's session give you...

1. Frameworks to think about prioritization and time
2. Examples on how to practice it both in life and at work
3. Ways to empower your team / colleagues / partners to feel more empowered as a result.

Hear from industry leading panels

We've invited some seriously insightful business leaders to join the Be MPowered virtual stage for two panel discussions...

How to reach your first 1000 customers

Facilitator: Carrie Kwan
Panel: Jillian Kilby (The Exchange), Michelle Klein (IAG), Annette Densham (The Audacious Agency)

Whether you’re wanting your first customer, first 1000 or second 1000 customer this panel will leave you with practical tips and insights from key business leaders on how to leverage your expertise, community, marketing and PR to get there.

How to charge what you’re really worth

Facilitator: Carrie Kwan
Panel: Jaala Alex (Thriday), Joe McCord (Pinch Payments), Trenna Probert (Super Fierce)

We know that this is a particularly common challenge for our community of business owning women and this panel will be a conversation around the conflict between what you feel that you’re worth and what you’re actually charging for your product and service.


Interested in getting your brand in front of business-owning women? Become a Be MPowered conference sponsor. Check out the Sponsorship Prospectus or reach out to us.


Notice of event filming and photography can be found here.