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7 types business ideas for mums

Embarking on your own business journey can be daunting, but it's also an incredibly empowering experience. For mothers, the opportunity to start a business can be especially rewarding, as it allows you to create a business that fits both your professional and personal goals.

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Embarking on your own business journey can be daunting, but it's also an incredibly empowering experience. For mothers, the opportunity to start a business can be especially rewarding, as it allows you to create a business that fits both your professional and personal goals.

As a mother, you have the ability to choose any type of business, from a flexible business that can accommodate your family’s schedule and create a business that is as demanding and  lucrative as you would like. Our  Australian Mums In Business Report revealed that many women are starting a business in a brand new field! So never limit yourself to a certain industry as the business world is full of possibilities and opportunities.

Let's take a look at what you may need to consider before starting any business, plus 10 business ideas that can help you get started:

1. Consultant business:

If you have experience in a specific industry or business area, you may be able to offer your services as a consultant. You might have had years of experience and knowledge in a particular field, such as accounting, finance or business management.

This can be an ideal business to pursue as you can offer your services and knowledge without needing a large team or a lot of capital. In order to become an independent consultant, you need to have business acumen, good communication skills and the ability to deliver results.

To start this business, you'll need to create a business plan and start networking. You could also invest in creating a website, business cards and business materials. Develop a network of referral partners and promote yourself in different communities and business groups.

A consultant business will provide you with a flexible schedule that allows you to bring in business while balancing family life.

2. Product Development:

If you have a knack for creating products, then product development can be a rewarding business venture. This business requires you to design, create, and market products that meet the needs of customers or businesses.

This business requires you to have the ability to understand customer needs, the ability to create and test prototypes of your products, good communication skills and the ability to market your business. To get started, you need to create a business plan and develop a prototype of your product. You should also create a business website, business cards and business materials. Invest in digital marketing and create relationships with potential customers to reach your target market.

So if you are into providing amazing products and services, this business could be perfect for you.

3. E-commerce:

Selling products online is another business option for mums. There are many business models you can use, from drop shipping to selling your own products. With the help of large distribution companies such as Amazon, you can expand your business and reach a wider audience.

You need to have the ability to create a business plan, the capacity to manage an online business, good marketing skills and the ability to research potential products and suppliers. To start this business, you will need to create a business plan and business website. You could also invest in digital marketing, business cards and business materials.

Since Amazon entered Australasia, business opportunities for mums have flourished. With the help of Amazon’s services, you can now reach a wider audience faster and easier.

4. Virtual assistant business:

With technology providing people with the opportunity to work from anywhere, virtual assistance businesses are becoming increasingly popular among mothers who need flexible and convenient jobs. You can offer administrative support services to clients and business owners, such as data entry, customer service, scheduling appointments and more.

To get started, you will need great communication skills, the ability to manage multiple tasks and strong organization skills. Another way to make your start-up more successful is by creating a professional website and starting an online profile. By networking with other businesses, you'll be able to create a marketing strategy that targets potential customers who may actually need your services.

Even if you don’t have a business background, you can still offer your services and make a business out of them. By finding the right niche and focusing on your strengths, you can become successful in this business. As a virtual assistant, it is key to be efficient and dependable so that you can stand out amongst others in the field. This will make busy business owners more likely to want to work with you on a consistent basis.

5. Freelance Writing:

Are you a champion writer? Then business writing can be a great business for you! Freelance business writing is perfect for mums who want to work from home and make money on their own terms.

Freelance writing is a very high-demand and wide-ranging business industry. You can offer business owners content writing, copywriting & editing services, web content generation and more. To start this business you need to have great writing skills and business acumen, as well as the ability to research topics and create compelling content.

You could also invest in business materials and create a business website. Additionally, marketing your business on social media is key to spreading awareness of your business and reaching your target market. However, for this line of work you can also promote your services on websites such as freelancer and Fiverr.

If you have the skills and business acumen, business writing can be a great business for mums. With the right business strategy and hard work, you can succeed in the business writing business.

6. Personal Trainer:

If you're a fitness enthusiast then becoming a personal trainer could be the business for you. You can offer clients customized fitness plans and provide them with the motivation to reach their goals.

This is such a great time to be coaching and inspiring via social platforms, offering online classes and programs, as well as creating an on-the-go business. To get started you need to have a valid fitness certification, business skills and the ability to connect with clients.

Coaching is a unique service that provides support and accountability to customers. If you have expert knowledge in a certain area of training or coaching, you will be able to offer valuable services to your clients.

Final thought

These are just a few examples of business ideas for mums. If you have a business in mind, take the time to plan it out and research your market. With hard work, dedication and the right business strategy, you can succeed in whatever business you decide to pursue.

The path to business success is a journey, but with the right business plan and support from family and friends, you can make it happen. A great way to be empowered and inspired in your business journey is through a community of like-minded business owners and entrepreneurs. Joining business forums and attending business events can provide you with valuable connections and advice that can help your business grow.

At Mums & Co we provide business owners with the resources and support they need to succeed. We offer business advice from experienced business leaders. With our help, business owners can create a business plan, get support from other business owners and take their business to the next level.

Join us today to start your business journey and make your mumbition a reality.

We wish you the best of luck!

The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. Where appropriate you may need to seek appropriate professional advice for your situation.