Member Wins

How this Mums & Co member has used expert sessions for instant wins in her business

Mums & Co Member Ann Phan, Founder of Naturely, the one-stop shop for natural products and wellbeing services for busy working mums who choose a holistic approach to life

3 minutes
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Australian Female Founder Case Study

For many business-owning women, the personal business journey begins out of sheer necessity. They come across a problem that needs fixing and they can’t find the solution or they don’t love their options.

Ann Phan, the Founder of Naturely, fits that founder profile to a tee.

This mum of 2 beautiful girls had a flourishing career in IT when her younger daughter started suffering from severe eczema. She tried the traditional steroid-reliant products her GP prescribed but wasn’t sold.

After some research, she embarked on a search for natural alternatives that would control the skin rashes without the nasty side effects of the traditional options.

The gentle, natural alternatives she eventually tracked down not only did the trick but sparked a bigger mindset shift that would ultimately be the starting point of Ann’s business journey.

Ann wanted her family to embrace a healthier take on life

What started with an interest in going organic quickly opened up a can of worms and exposed how the many chemicals and toxins within mainstream products can be harmful to families.

Once Ann was more cautious when choosing the food and home care products she quickly noticed the complexities of fitting her new lifestyle into her busy day as a working mum.

Having to visit multiple stores to source organic products was a real hassle and quickly became the winning idea behind Ann’s business, Naturely, that today makes living the healthiest version of life both convenient and affordable.

Naturely has experienced steady growth since opening its doors in 2018. And the recent inclusion of online wellbeing services is promising to be a game-changer for the 6000+ customers who love to source their organic products from Ann’s online store.

“Naturely was born to become the one-stop hub for holistic advice and all the natural products a busy mother needs.”

Joining the Mums & Co movement made Ann feel heard and understood

It was the unrivalled mix of online and offline events, the quick and easy access to industry experts and the deep connections with like-minded business-owning mums across Australia that convinced Ann to join Mums & Co.

Not only did she find people who were in the same situation as her and understood the juggles of running a business and raising a Little Co (aka the kiddos), she made a conscious effort to join the monthly Meet Ups to exchange business anecdotes on a regular basis.

“The monthly Meet Ups have had a firm spot in my calendar. They’re an ‘excuse’ to focus on the human connections that can be hard to come by when you run an online business.”

Ann, which Mums & Co membership features have you used to benefit you and your business?

“I love the ease and incredible value of the expert sessions. I’ve had sessions with 2 different experts so far and each of them has set me up with tips and strategies that I could apply in my business there and then.

“The experts have helped me with my website SEO and given me tips on how to run my Google ads. They’ve also given me invaluable Marketing advice that I’ve implemented within my business already.”

“Another great element is the Mums & Co Directory. It gives me exposure among a national group of women who could all be my perfect customer: Busy business-owning mums who either already shop organic or might be considering an organic lifestyle for their family in the future. And the directory link to the Naturely website gives me a decent SEO boost too.”

“Being a Mums & Co member has given me an ‘anything is possible’ lens on business.”

How would you define the Mums & Co movement for someone who possibly has never heard of us?

“Mums & Co is an inclusive movement that leads with a ‘can do’ attitude. It gives members the confidence to believe in themselves within a supportive community of business-owning women who understand the many challenges that come with running a business and doing all the things in life.”

“Mums & Co gives me business confidence because I know that there is an expert (or a fellow Mums & Co member) ready to help whenever I might need it.”

Tell us a little about the monthly Meet Ups you’ve attended?

“The monthly Meet ups are a great way to connect with business owners just like me. We might be in different stages of our business journey, but what makes these sessions so powerful is that everyone is happy to share their experiences. And these lived experiences make the connections so relatable."

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You can visit the Naturely website at and connect with Ann in the member directory.

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