The Daily Grind

Making Co-Working Work For You

Some practical tips to make co-working work for you.

4 mins
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If you’re ready to break out of your home office but not quite ready to take on your own commercial lease or purchase, co-working could be your ideal next move towards better business growth.

The idea of working in a community space with other business people you’ve never met isn’t for everyone but, if you do it well, it can lead to helpful networking opportunities that might lead to collaboration, a stronger community and less stress than working in isolation.

Here are some practical tips to help you make co-working work for you.

1. Know Your Neighbour

For some people, personal space is more important than for others. These days, as we are so trained to keep staring at our devices in public spaces, we’ve lost the basic art of conversing with strangers but when you’re in a co-working space, it’s a handy skill to get better at.

Working from a co-working space is an easy, natural way to meet new people every day but to make the most of those opportunities, it’s important to smile, make eye contact and be friendly enough to say ‘hello’, rather than sit side-by-side in silence. Your instinct might be to keep to yourself but it’s important to push past it. Who knows what connections you might make for you and your business?

2. Be Open-Minded

Coming into a new environment can be confronting but it can also be potentially rewarding and exciting. Be careful not to give too much away until you know who’s who but it’s also important to be open-minded to fresh opportunities that might come your way – if you let them. Real success often begins with taking chances.

Start each day by being willing to learn something new. You’ll be amazed at what doors open when your mind is open to seeing fresh potential.

3. Be Confident

The nature of co-working spaces means they are home to motivated, ambitious and smart business-minded people. But don’t let that intimidate you – after all, you’re there too.

Rather than be on the defensive, be open to the knowledge and opportunities it opens up for you. Collaborations can come when you least expect them so taking the time to initiate the conversation at the coffee machine is worthwhile and might lead to positive things for you and your business.

To make the most of what’s around you, it’s important to be realistic about your own weaknesses and strengths. Be clear about what you can bring to the table for others in the space and be open to benefitting what other people might be able to offer you, without feeling threatened by it.

4. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

If you’re new to a space and don’t know your way around – ask someone. And if you’re involved in a project that is beyond your expertise and knowledge, be bold and talk to others in your co-working space. It’s important to do your due diligence before referring anyone you don’t know that well to one of your clients but, by working together to combine unique skills, you might find your business soars to new heights. Until you make conversations, though, you’ll never really know what’s possible…

5. Change Your Routine

Being a creature of habit is a natural default position for many of us and even in co-working spaces, it’s important to mix it up. Don’t always sit at the same desk every time you visit. By changing your routine and finding a new working spot for the day, you might meet a different business person who could be an ideal connection. Co-working can be something that puts us out of our comfort zone, but it can be worth it if the benefit is business growth and powerful connections with other like-minded business people.

Finding a co-working space near you is easy – just by searching for locations near you online. Look for reviews that tell it like it is – not all co-working spaces will be right for you and, although many are professionally run with fantastic facilities, some dodgy operators are jumping on the bandwagon and may not offer the best facilities you need. Your workspace is an important part of your working life and productivity potential, so it’s important to find a space that is comfortable, within your budget and friendly.

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