Member Profile: Anna Hastie, Mindset Coach & Sound Bath Healer

A chance for our community members to share more about themselves and their business with the world.

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Tell us about you:
I live in the remote town of Broome in the North West of WA. I’ve been here nearly 11 years. I recently got married to my husband of 7 years and had my first child at age 41 (Ava is now 18mths and appeared on an episode of the Mumbition Podcast!) I started my entrepreneurial journey here in Broome and ran a successful and thriving Remedial Massage and Reiki Healing business for a number of years. During the Covid Pandemic I realised that my interests, energy and heart was leading me towards Sound Bath Healings, which just before Covid I had started holding, and Mindset Coaching. Both felt like such a strong fit for what I wanted to pivot into that by the end of Covid I had stepped completely out of massage and in to my new personal brand. Since this pivot I have had so many wonderful aligned opportunities to hold and share sound bath healings with people from all areas of life and coach some incredible visionary women through my mindset programs. Outside of being an entrepreneurial mum life I love dancing! That’s one of my creative and happy places! I love performing and the friendships I have in my dance life. I also love travelling and adventures andmy life has been full with so many wonderful experiences. What is on the horizon is a lap of Oz with my family! I am non-drinker but love a good chai or a cacao. I love dark chocolate.


Social handles:

o Facebook:

o Instagram:

Do you have a podcast?
Yes. Alchemy Mindset with Anna Hastie

Link to your podcast:




Describe your biz in a sentence:
I hold deeply relaxing sound bath healings and support entrepreneurial women through self development and mindset work.

Tell us how your business came to be:
I started my entrepreneurial journey here in Broome, and ran a successful and thriving Remedial Massage and Reiki Healing business for a number of years. This was born simply from the drive of wanting to do things my way and needing a new professional challenge for myself. During the Covid Pandemic I realised that my interests, energy and heart was leading me towards Sound Bath Healings, which just before Covid I had started holding, and Mindset Coaching. Both felt like such a strong fit for what I wanted to pivot into that by the end of Covid I had stepped completely out of massage and in to my new personal brand. Since this pivot I have had so many wonderful aligned opportunities to hold and share sound bath healings with people from all areas of life and coach some incredible visionary women through my mindset programs.

If you could re-do / change something about your biz - what would it be?
To not waste so much time and not make much progress in my business prior to pregnancy. If I knew what I did now I probably could’ve been a bit future along so that I could’ve set up my business a bit better prior to maternity leave. I had every intention of getting it to the point where it could still generate some money while I was away from it, have podcast episodes scheduled and maybe a VA to support me here and there, but I ran out of time, steam and drive. Those final weeks and months just made me completely slow down and take a back seat. When I went on mat leave it kind of just dropped off and I felt unsatisfied with myself for leaving it like that.

Funny situation that happened through your business?
This was in my massage days. I donated some clothes to one of the 3 charity shops here in Broome. In particular a pair of denim shorts that no longer fit. One day my client came in wearing a pair of shorts that looked very familiar. When she was on the table lying face down, I checked the label as I knew I would recognise the brand and size. Yep, they were my old shorts! I saw her a couple of times wearing them and it always made me internally giggle. The great thing was she looked way better in them than me!

Your daily motto?
If xyz can do it. Then so can I

What are three things you could help other members with?

1. Stop the limiting beliefs or behaviours that are keeping them stuck and unable to move forwards in their business.

2. To feel more relaxed and stress free through the power of sound baths

3. Create powerful subliminal meditations or hypnosis to re-wire their mindset around any areas in their business or life.

What are three things you need help with at the moment?

1. Child support when my husband goes back to work after long service leave in term 2 this year!

2. Copy writer

3. Social media manager!

What’s one thing you know that will benefit our audience? Let them know!
Business is a marathon not a sprint. You don’t have to do everything right now, or achieve everything right now. The entrepreneurial journey is a journey that isn’t a series of finish lines. Unless your business model is to sell it, then that is your goal. Otherwise it is a legacy that is to continue beyond you. So stop worrying about what you have or haven't done compared to another business. Because you have plenty of time and as much time as you want.

Anything else you want to share?
The reason sound baths are so deeply relaxing is because they work instantly with our brainwave states. Science has shown how sound can move us from our beta brain wave state (our everyday conscious thinking mind) into more relaxed places of our Alpha and Theta brain waves. These are the places we activate when we are in sleep. They are also the places where our subconscious mind is the most active. An hour sound bath can often feel like a full nights sleep! In these states we are able to rest the thinking mind and be more open and atune to our intuition, inner wisdom and guidance! From these places we can be more creative, inspired and happier in our daily and entrepreneurial lives and work.

What does your typical day look like?
A typical day behind the desk for me would look like recording podcast episodes, responding to my 1:1 clients via VM, coaching client calls and drafting emails to be sent to my community for future events that I am holding. I love movement and exercise, so either first thing or in the evening I am doing something to stretch or move. I also spend time playing my crystal bowls and doing some meditation. When work finishes I am straight into mum mode and love to spend the afternoons with Ava doing something fun. The evenings are usually for me and my hubby to rest and hang out.

What projects are coming up next?

- A self-paced, self coaching mindset program.

- Assist in two regional retreats and personally have 2 weeks solo time away from my family and work to do a Vipassana meditation retreat.

How do you maintain your motivation?

Ava and my husband, Francois are my biggest drivers! What I want to create and how my business can support my family. Right now the time I get to spend on my business is a lot more streamlined than ever before. So I am very intentional about what I have to get done each day. Lastly, I tune into Future Annie (my future self) and what she is doing and experiencing in life. It’s pretty F’ing fantastic what she gets to do and I am streamlining my way to meet her there

What are your favourite business tools (and why?)

- ASANA - keeps all my records, projects, details, client records, notes and just about EVERTHING in order!

- GOOGLE DRIVE - Business filing cabinet right there!

- CANVA - where I get to be creative and

- Mindzoom - creating subliminal meditations

- Whatsapp - for voice messaging my clients - saves me from having to type out messages.

What would you like to see more of when it comes to helping women in small businesses succeed?
More work on their mindset and energy. I truly believe when we have a better understanding of our subconscious mind and do the mindset release work we can tap into our true potential. Realise everything is possible and nothing is holding us back. In other words, we stop doubting ourselves and start living and operating from a place of success, motivation and happiness. Mindset work ripples out into our personal lives too. Everything feeds each other. As for a place of energy and energetics, when we have deeper understanding of what our own spirituality is, we can tune into our own inner wisdom and guidance. We can do this when we are rested, relaxed and in a safe place.

Has there been a significant business mentor in your career?
Kathrin Zenkina from Manifestation Babe is someone I follow very closely. It was through her programs that lead me to mindset coaching and LOTS of mindset release work.

Are there any areas you’re seeking help for in your business?
Marketing and messaging. I recently engaged with a Tahyrn Bolt to help me with my marketing strategy and messaging. I know I am great at what I do. But I know that the more I am efficient in this area of my business the more successful I can be.

What’s your approach to dealing with the pressures of running your business?
Seek support where you can in and outside of your work. If the deadline can be moved, move it. Rest is super important. Without it you are just running on empty.

What’s your approach on ‘the juggle’?
You are in control of the juggling. It’s up to you to decide how you want to respond to the balls you are throwing around.

What is one of the most important piece of advice you would give to someone beginning their business? A couple of years into their business?
The earlier you do the mindset work when the fears, worries or limiting blocks and beliefs come up, the more growth you’ll have. Knowing how to move through blocks when they come up is extremely beneficial. Have a support team where you need it. Don’t feel like you need to do everything yourself. Time wasted outside of your expertise or zone of genius is money down the drain. Your business time line is significant to you and your business. Don't waste energy comparing yourself or your progress to others.

Has there been a significant business mentor in your career?
Kathrin Zenkina from Manifestation Babe is someone I follow very closely. It was through her programs that lead me to mindset coaching and LOTS of mindset release work.

What’s a service you can’t live without?
Spotify! I use it for work, Ava’s nap times, listening to podcasts when I am cooking or having a bit of me time. If that’s a service I can refer to! Otherwise it is my dream to have a cleaning service one day…probably when we have baby number 2 on the way! I’m not a fan of cleaning but it would be a dream to have someone do it for me!

What does mumbition mean to you? (the unapologetic blending of motherhood and ambition)
Showing your family how you can create, succeed and do what you are truly passionate about.

Who are the mumbitous business owners you would like to shout out to here?
From my local network - Nicole from Flow with Nicole. We collaborate a lot in yoga and sound bath events. She is a mum of 2 and has given me some great advice. Steph McCormick from Stephanie Lou Again helped me set up my ASANA and shared some insightful reflections and advice from her own experience of being a mum and running a business.

What’s the best part of being part of the Mums & Co community?
The training and workshops on offer! Really accessible and diverse but helpful for women in business.

How has Mums & Co helped you?
Networking and connecting with more mums in business. While being a business woman is not new to me, identifying and being in the mum crowd of entrepreneurs is. I love being a mum to Ava, and I love the work that I do. Leaning into support, advice and everything else that can be learned and gained as a mum in business is important. We might get paid for our work, but we don’t get paid from the full time job as a mum and it can be rewarding, hard, frustrating, joyous, easy and complicated all at the same time. So know that there are others out there in the same boat, and support can be found in network like this is incredible.