Mumbition The Podcast

Passion, Purpose and Permaculture

A unique style of business coaching

4 minutes
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A longstanding business owner, Bronwyn Chompff-Gliddon is no stranger to entrepreneurship. Having previously ran a successful bookkeeping business from the Peel Region of Western Australia, Bronwyn had always felt a calling for something more.

After a life changing event, she took the courageous leap into a unique style of business coaching with elements of permaculture and has never looked back. 

Tell us about yourself and how you’ve come about with your business.

“After having four children and running this tight, tidy little bookkeeping business from home since 2005, I started to outgrow it and I knew I could offer so much more. I've tried and tried so many things, but nothing really fit until I found coaching. Right when that happened, my whole world turned upside down, my husband of 25 years, just left out of the blue. But it all happened right at the right moment to get me to expand into something I didn't see coming.

It's what I've been wanting to do throughout my whole life, I just never knew what it was called. So, after I did my coaching training and after I remarried, I did my permaculture training. So now I had this right brain business coaching practice and this left brain permaculture passion and eventually, I figured out how to blend them to offer permaculture business coaching.”

What do you think's been one of the most important introductions you've either had made to you or you've made?

“I'm thinking of a time when I first started feeling that I could be more and do more with my little bookkeeping business and back then, I was a nobody from nowhere. But there is something inside me kept niggling at me and I found this Facebook group called  The 100 Day Goal, which is run by Julia Bickerstaffe.

In that group, we focused on taking a big goal and breaking it down to 100 little microsteps. I first started to see that I can actually do something big. It was a really beautiful, supportive community that really helped me a lot. Then a few years later, Julia was a keynote speaker at a business conference in WA, so I got to meet her. Then, when I did my coaching training in Sydney a few years later after that, I caught up with her again. But it was that 100 Day Goal and that introduction to her that was my first turning point that set up all these other turning points that I've had since then.”

How do you describe the shape of a good life for you? 

“Yes, absolutely. So, wellbeing for me is self-sufficiency. I've got my vegetable garden, my orchard, I've got my chooks, my ducks and organic living at its best, I’m surrounded by family and nature and living that eco sustainable life. 

With livelihood, I'm making a difference. I'm helping small business owners to make their business more eco-sustainable and aligned with their core values and that's something that's so rewarding and fulfilling. 

With ambition, I'm developing this legacy of creating a venue for retreats and events, to be a sanctuary, for learning how to permaculture your business and that sounds like a good life to me. I really love this triangle of ambition, livelihood and wellbeing, because it really is exactly what I'm creating here and I see how everything I do in one sphere impacts and supports all the other aspects of my life. It really is this holistic approach to recognise that everything impacts everything else.”

How do you view risk and have you adopted a certain perspective around how you view risk? 

“Risk is a really natural part of life. There are two permaculture principles that address this. The first one is to use small and slow solutions. So meaning, you start with a small change and see how it goes and see how it responds before you go in with more of that, it's a pretty cautious approach to risk.

But the other principle that addresses it is to creatively use and respond to change, and that recognises that everything always will change and it's really wise to incorporate that into your designs. Change is always a risk because it's new, it's growth, it's moving through the lifecycle and it's moving through the food chain and the seasons change and things get older.

So, the concept of risk here is to embrace the opportunities that these changes provide. But like when we talk about risk versus reward, as in maybe going out on a limb to promote permaculture to the business community, that's, that's a big risk. But this is who I am and I just wouldn't be my authentic self if I did it any other way.”

Want to know more about how Bronwyn Chompff-Gliddon’s unique style of coaching can help you to succeed?

Looking for an alternative style of coaching for your business? Intrigued by the principles of permaculture and how they can promote growth and prosperity? Want to learn more about how the very foundations of nature can be used as a problem solving tool?

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