
Self care it’s your safe space

Self care it’s your safe space

5 minutes
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Self care it’s your safe space - with Sonia Bestulic of Talking Heads Speech Pathology

Take a look at your to do list for today - is wellbeing on there? One of the most powerful reminders for women, particularly working mums, is to make yourself a priority. Sonia Bestulic is an award winning author, speaker, podcast host and entrepreneur leading and empowering women to embrace high level change.

Can you please tell us a bit about your business?

“I am founding director of an allied health company now sixteen years in, author of children's and adult books and podcast host of Chat About Children, empowering parents and professionals to grow with the children in their life.

Over my decades working with thousands of mums, all across the globe, as a speech pathologist, I observed a really strong pattern with mothers. That was that they often weren't feeling like they were enough, they often felt like they were failing, that they were feeling at fault for anything that wasn't going right in their lives or the lives of their children. 

I had three kids all in two and a half years. I was feeling the exhaustion of trying to get mothering right, trying to be a great wife, trying to be an excellent company leader, you know, that high achiever kind of thing going on; I was exhausted. I just couldn't sustain that level of trying to get it all right because I realized that didn't exist.

I needed to do my own deep soul searching, and I needed to take the inspired action to shift from surviving to thriving and flourishing. So that's really what I teach and coach, and that's the essence of Flourish for Mums, being that bridge for women who know that they should be looking after themselves better, but don't know how or where to start.”

What are three habits or rituals that you have in place to harmonise your own work and home life?

“The first one is the morning being an absolute sacred space for self; the morning ritual is a non-negotiable. I have a shower, I do a full body moisturize. I'll usually select an essential oil and I create a multi-sensory experience. Then part of the morning ritual is what I call heart based breathing, heart based activation and meditation and I'll choose a keyword or mantra that is relevant for me for that particular day.

Nature is another non-negotiable for me. I'm very blessed that I am near the ocean. I'll ask myself, what do I need today? It's really about tuning in. What do I need? Do I need the energy of the ocean? Do I need the tranquility of the trees? And just waiting for that answer.

The third is how I close the day. Reviewing the day with gratitude and celebration.”

How about navigating the business risk side of things? Can you share some of the systems or the processes that you use to support yourself?

“Policies and procedures and operational manuals are so important and having people that do enjoy those to team up with you to do all the stuff you don't enjoy, is a really big one, because otherwise you just put it off and put it off and put it off.

Keep really clear notes and note meetings that you have, or anything that you've organised, put things in writing so you've got that running record and you can come back to things as well and reference them.

Document everything and think, what's my map? What’s my passwords to things, what's the map to everything? The reason for that is, and I only share that with a trusted person, it's really to have that emergency backup. So what if something happens? And if someone needs to access this to speak to ABCDE, how can they do that?”

Do you have a favorite way to connect with other business owners digitally?

“Digitally, I would say I love LinkedIn. I think that's a great tool digitally to reach out to people. With the community that Mums & Co has established, there is so much opportunity there because I know that when I see someone else as part of the community, I'm feeling like I’m more able and ready to say, “Hey, I'm from Mums & Co too,” and there's already been that icebreaker if you like. We already know we have something in common and so that would probably be my favorite way. Looking at the communities that you really resonate with and reaching out digitally and saying, “Hey, let's just have a coffee date, you know, over Zoom 15 minutes,” do a bit of an intro, the stuff that you do, the lunches, obviously the Be MPowered conferences in person which is even better.”

Want to know more about Sonia Bestulic’s easy and effective tips on incorporating self-care into your daily life?

Do you recall the last time you did something just for yourself? Do you crave self-care, yet struggle to combine it with your busy life? Have you thought about small moments of self-care you can slip into every day?

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