Starting a business

Shift & Change

Building a business that supports others with humour and grace.

2 minutes
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For almost a decade, Lisa Cordruff has been helping other women create lifestyle habits that support their overall wellbeing and get them unstuck. She joins us on Mumbition the podcast to share some of her considerable insights into how she has been building a business that supports others with humour and grace.

I’d love to share your pitch with our listeners.

“I'm the founder of the Change Room and I'm an expert in practical behavior change strategies for women who are feeling that stuck feeling or feeling overwhelmed in their daily life. I help them through a very specific behavior change program, upgrade their lifestyle, their mindset, their careers, so, I love what I do. I feel like I have over the years been perfecting what I do through creating a lot and in many different areas.!”

How would you describe your relationship to risk when it comes to a business? What are some of the processes that you put in place to protect yourself?

“I am the biggest risk to my business because I change my mind, I'm a bit flighty. If I am feeling activated about what I'm doing, there is no stopping. As soon as that starts to disappear, I struggle, if I have to fit into a box, I struggle. I work with people. I manage the risk by working with smart people who can keep me on track. I manage the risk by reminding myself around my desk and around my room what I'm working on and why.”

If you reflect on the perfect life for you, what shape would that be? 

“I don't know if it's a shape, maybe it's more colour. My favorite state of being is peace, which is sort of like harmony, and I can feel when we've gone off track with things, I can feel when I'm not feeling peaceful, harmonious inside. The color blue is a big favourite of mine because I associate it with feelings of peace, a connection to water, nature, all of those sorts of things. When I talked before about the adrenalin working from that space and having to let that go, it does not work in my life.”