Small business ideas for mums: Virtual event planner

Let's take a look at how running an event planning business online might work for an entrepreneur mum.

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Are you interested in starting a small business? Or maybe you're a mum who is looking for a way to make a living without having to commit to set hours. A virtual business might be the solution for those who seek a remote work lifestyle.

There are many different types of virtual businesses that you can start, and one of the most popular is event planning. As an event planner, you would be responsible for organising everything from corporate events and weddings to birthday parties and baby showers. You would work with clients to come up with a plan that meets their needs, then handle all the details necessary to make the event a success.

Let's take a look at how running an event planning business online might work for an entrepreneur mum.

What does an event planner do?

As an event planner, you’ll be in charge of all the logistics that go into planning and executing events. This includes things like finding the perfect venue, setting up catering services, creating itineraries and timelines, booking vendors, arranging transportation, handling decorating needs and managing budgets.

You would work with clients to ensure their events are as successful as possible, and you would be the “go-to” person for any questions or concerns that may arise during the event planning process.

What makes event planning a great online business?

Event planning is a great business to operate virtually. The traditional event planning process can be done almost entirely online, depending on the event. You could set up conference calls with clients to discuss details, collaborate remotely on project plans, and even book vendors and venues from the comfort of your own space.

Needless to mention, events are not only in-person but virtual as well, so that could open up a whole new market for you to tap into.

There are many different types of virtual events you could offer: webinars, conferences, seminars, networking events, and so much more. With the right marketing techniques and a bit of creativity, you could find clients who are interested in having you take the lead on their virtual events.

Each type of event could have a certain goal, and you would be the one to help clients achieve it. It could be a marketing campaign, an educational seminar, or just a way for people to connect.

For instance, an event as a marketing campaign could be organised by a company or individual to promote its product or service, with the goal of gaining as many sales or sign-ups from participants as possible. An online event planner should create a life-changing event for participants through unforgettable experiences, new knowledge and total engagement. This will provide the perfect opportunity for the client to pitch their high ticket offer at the end of the event, which will in turn increase their sales conversion.

An educational seminar could be organised by a company or individual to help educate and grow their audiences. This could be in the form of a webinar. The experiences and new knowledge shared through the event should be designed to make participants feel challenged and excited, while also feeling connected and inspired by other attendees.

An online networking event or community gathering could be organised to help people connect, build relationships and create common goals. An event planner should work with the client to create an experience that allows participants to connect in a meaningful way and establish real connections that could lead to collaborations, joint ventures or just friendships.

There are many different types of virtual events that an online event planner could offer. There is a great deal of opportunity for specialisation in various niches within the market.

What does an online event planner do on a daily basis?

On a typical day, an online event planner could spend time with their clients via a Zoom call to discuss the details of their upcoming event. Virtual meetings with clients are key to understanding their vision and goals for the event.

Talking to vendors and suppliers is also a key element of event planning. An online event planner will need to negotiate and manage contracts with vendors, organise payment plans and track supply orders. Once the event is live, the online event planner will need to monitor and track activities taking place during it.

Making sure the speakers and presenters are well briefed for the event is also important. An online event planner should provide them with all relevant information about the event and answer any questions they have in order to ensure they are prepared for the event.

Furthermore, by giving attendees information and support before the event, they will be more apt to understand what occurrences to expect.

As an online event planner, you will be responsible for ensuring your clients’ events have a positive impact on the target audiences, and that their goals are met. Whether virtual or in-person event, it is your job as an event planner to make sure that everything runs smoothly and that the event has a lasting impact on the participants.

What skills and qualifications do you need to be an online event planner?

To become an online event planner, you should possess excellent organisational and communication skills. You should also have a keen eye for detail and be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment.

You should also have the ability to think strategically and have a knack for problem-solving. Experience in the event planning industry is highly recommended, as well as knowing the latest technologies and software used to create virtual events.

You should also have experience in marketing and a deep understanding of the customer journey, as well as excellent skills in budgeting and finance. Being able to work with a range of stakeholders is also essential, as well as having an understanding of how the event will be marketed and promoted.

An online event planner should have a great understanding of the latest tools and technology for virtual events. This could include webinar software such as Zoom and WebEx, as well as streaming platforms such as YouTube and Facebook Live. Email marketing, online campaigns, and social media marketing should also be understood.

Finally, being familiar with analytics tools and understanding key metrics such as attendance numbers and engagement is crucial for measuring the success of an event.

Final thoughts

An online event planner could work well for a mum who might love the remote work lifestyle. It provides freedom, flexibility and the opportunity to work with some amazing people. With a mix of creativity and strong organisational skills, an online event planner could help to bring people together in a virtual space and create memorable experiences. It could be the perfect job for someone who loves planning, organising and connecting with people.

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