Talented women in the know

Connecting with your global community - Lessons from global business owners. Share your stories, learn from others.

4 minutes
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From a side hustle managed in a caravan to leading a national team of ten with global aspirations from a dedicated HQ, Rebecca Wessels (Bex) is a talented business-owning mother with empathetic lessons for enjoying every moment along the way. 

As the Founder and CEO of Ochre Dawn, Bex is doing amazing work bringing First Nations artwork to clients across Australia through merchandise, video, graphic design and office fit outs, as well as offering consultation and training and Reconciliation Action Plans. 

Rebecca Wessels

Her diverse career in technology, community services and now entrepreneurship, helps Bex to seamlessly blend ambition, livelihood and wellbeing.

Bex learned business at her father's side and is proudly leaning into her Indigenous culture later in life, alongside her mum. Bex’s mother is a survivor of the Stolen Generations and although she always knew she was adopted and had suspicions that she was Aboriginal, it wasn’t confirmed until her mid-thirties (Bex's teenage years) when her biological sister helped her reconnect with family and culture.

Now Bex is driving growth for her business and her country, one giant leap at a time. 

"It's like bungee jumping," says Bex. "There will always be moments in business and in life when you feel like you're on that bridge and scared to leap. Trust me, I've felt the same embarking on my technology career - going back to full-time study and then starting my own business. I also felt terrified when becoming a mum!  My tips are to assemble what you need and then get ready to celebrate with a high five once you take that leap!”

As a former IT Manager and member of DWEN, Bex has learned to lean into the power of technology and community to fuel her business journey with Ochre Dawn.

In 2022 Bex became a finalist of the DWEN Dream Tech Contest, a search for high-calibre women entrepreneurs who embrace tech as part of their growth and were awarded a total of $40K worth of Dell Technology.

As Bex told Mums & Co, the Dream Tech Contest prize has had a truly positive impact on her business. 

“The impact for us as a Dream Tech finalist has been some great social media exposure, which has helped increase our profile, and that’s wonderful. And the tech we won has had a great impact too - having up to date tech has made our team much more efficient!

It has also allowed us to reach more customers, both in terms of converting new customers and keeping us front of mind for current customers we want to keep engaged with,” she said. 

Below Bex shares her top 3 tips for starting and staying in business:

  1. Pack your tool kit - identify and then assemble the tools, training, resources and skills that you need for making it happen safely and successfully. Then it’s all about location, location, location. You wouldn't bungee jump from a platform that is too low or high! Bex realised early on that her kitchen table wasn’t the right environment for work so transformed a caravan into a home office in the driveway! It’s one of the most creative commuting and productivity hacks we’ve ever heard of! It just goes to show the importance of the right hardware, software and team around you.
  2. Assemble your cheer squad - staying with the bungee jumping analogy, Bex talks about the importance of the crowd at the river cheering you on. “Think about your sources of inspiration that will support you in business - communities like DWEN, the Dell Womens’ Entrepreneur Network and Mums & Co” she says. “For example, as a member of DWEN, I took advantage of opportunities to be spotlighted on a global platform by entering the 2022 DreamTech competition, winning third place and expanding my personal network.”
  3. Pick your “co” -  for a business-owning woman, your “Co” is the chord that keeps you connected to your purpose - to enjoy the adrenaline of the jump, yet keep you supported and bring you home - back to base! “Your co might be your life partner, business co-founder, coach, or a friend - the one who whispers "you can do it" and then watches you fly through the air towards your dream,” says Bex. “Tapping into networks that can help you and provide that community of support allows you to push the boundaries, meet any challenges and feel supported.” That’s why we refer to the Co - in Mums & Co, for celebrating your Co in Australia, and the importance of becoming part of DWEN accessing experts, champions, tools and experiences created to support members as they navigate their journeys together - in bungee jumping or in business. 
For more than a decade, DWEN has brought women entrepreneurs together from around the world to help them connect, scale their businesses, and ultimately succeed. Join DWEN today for free access to a global network of women entrepreneurs and valuable resources to grow your business.