
50 Best Types of Online Business for Women

Explore 50 promising online business ideas for women seeking flexibility and growth potential. Ideal for entrepreneurial mums, this guide emphasizes businesses with low start-up costs and scalability, aligning with personal skills and passions.

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As a woman and mum, starting an online business can offer the flexibility and financial opportunities you're looking for. In Australia, more and more women are taking the leap into entrepreneurship, with statistics showing that over a third of small businesses are now owned by women. If you're considering starting your own online venture, this article will explore the 50 types of online business ideas you might consider.

What Makes a Business "Best" for Women and mums?

Obviously, every woman and mother is different. So determining what qualifies as the "best" or "good" online business for women and mums can be challenging. For this article, we have considered a few criteria that may assist in selecting a business that supports your mumbition (that’s the unapologetic blending of motherhood and ambition):

  1. Flexibility: The business should allow you to work on your own schedule, accommodating the demands of family life and childcare responsibilities.
  2. Low startup costs: Ideally, the business can be launched with minimal upfront investment, reducing financial risk and barriers to entry.
  3. Scalability: The business model should have the potential for growth and increased revenue over time, without requiring a proportional increase in time commitment.
  4. Alignment with skills and interests: The best business ideas will align with your existing skills, experience, and passions, making the work more enjoyable and sustainable.

According to the Ministers Treasury Portfolio, the proportion of female small business owners is steadily increasing and currently stands at approximately one third. This upward trend demonstrates significant growth, as the number of women-owned small businesses has surged by 24 percent from 2006 to 2021.

Research also shows that women are more likely to start businesses in industries such as health, social assistance, and retail trade. However, with the rise of e-commerce and digital technologies, there are now countless opportunities for women to launch successful ventures across a wide range of sectors.

While starting an online business can offer many benefits for mums, it's important to acknowledge the unique challenges that come with balancing entrepreneurship and family life. Some common issues include:

  1. Time management: Juggling the demands of running a business with childcare responsibilities can be difficult, requiring careful planning,organisation and of course flexibility for when it doesn’t go to plan.
  2. Work-life balance: Maintaining boundaries between work and family time can be challenging when your office is at home.
  3. Limited networking opportunities: As a busy mum, it can be harder to find time to attend industry events and build professional connections.
  4. Lack of support: Without a traditional office environment, mums in business may feel isolated and lacking in support systems.

Despite these challenges, countless examples of successful mum entrepreneurs prove that it is possible to thrive in both roles. The key is finding the right business model, developing strong time management skills, and building a supportive network of family, friends, and fellow business owners.

When it comes to online business ideas, some are more mum-friendly than others. Generally speaking, businesses that can be run from home with flexible hours and low overhead costs tend to be easier for mums to manage. These might include digital offerings lik:

  1. Freelance writing or editing
  2. Virtual assistant services
  3. Social media management
  4. Online tutoring or course creation
  5. Drop shipping or e-commerce with third-party fulfilment

On the other hand, online businesses that require more structured hours, in-person interaction, or significant startup capital may be harder to navigate, but are not impossible if you have the right support. Examples include:

  1. Online therapy or counselling services
  2. Live video streaming or webinar hosting
  3. Inventory-heavy e-commerce businesses
  4. High-end consulting or coaching services

Ultimately, the ease or difficulty of an online business for mums will depend on individual circumstances such as family support, financial resources, and time availability. It's important to carefully consider these factors when choosing a business model.

Starting an online business can be a lonely journey, especially for mums who may feel isolated from traditional professional networks. That's why finding a supportive community and seeking out mentorship is crucial for success.

Joining Mums & Co can be a game-changer. Their membership provides access to a vibrant community of like-minded women entrepreneurs, offering a wealth of resources, advice, and encouragement tailored specifically for mums in business.

Events hosted by Mums & Co, such as virtual conferences and workshops, are fantastic opportunities to connect with other business owners, learn new skills, and stay updated on industry trends. These events not only provide valuable networking opportunities but also foster a strong sense of community.

Working with Mums & Co experts, including business coaches and mentors, can be incredibly beneficial, especially in the early stages of your online venture. These experts can help you clarify your goals, develop a strategic plan, and navigate the challenges of balancing business and family life.

By leveraging the resources, events, and expertise available through Mums & Co, mum entrepreneurs can find the support they need to thrive in their business endeavours.

Remember, you don't have to go it alone as a mum entrepreneur. Building a strong support system can make all the difference in achieving your business dreams while still being present for your family.

Start an Online Boutique Business

An online boutique business involves selling fashion clothing, accessories, or other specialty products through an e-commerce website. This type of business is can be well-suited for women and mums as it canit allow for flexibility in working hours and can be managed from home. 

The time required to run an online boutique varies depending on the scale of the business, but it typically involves sourcing products, managing inventory, processing orders, and handling customer service. To start an online boutique, knowledge of e-commerce platforms, digital marketing, and fashion trends is helpful. The difficulty level of this business is moderate, as it requires ongoing effort to differentiate the boutique and attract customers in a competitive market. 

According to a survey by the Small Business Trends report, approximately 39% of small retail businesses in Australia are owned by women. To launch a successful online boutique, it's essential to identify a niche market, develop a strong brand identity, and invest in digital marketing to drive traffic to the site.

Start a Craft Business

A craft business involves creating and selling handmade products such as jewellery, pottery, textiles, or other artisanal goods. This type of business is popular among women and mums who have a creative skill or hobby they wish to monetise. 

The time required to run a craft business can vary widely depending on the complexity of the products and the volume of sales. Knowledge of the chosen craft, as well as basic business skills like pricing, marketing, and customer service, are necessary to start this type of venture. The difficulty level of a craft business is moderate to high, as it requires consistent production of high-quality items and effective marketing to stand out in a crowded marketplace. 

According to the Crafts Council of Australia, over 75% of professional crafts practitioners in the country are women. To start a successful craft business, focus on developing unique, high-quality products, building a strong brand story, and leveraging online platforms like Etsy to reach a wider audience.

Launch an Etsy Shop Business

An Etsy shop business involves selling handmade, vintage, or unique goods through the Etsy e-commerce platform. This type of business can be popular for women and mums who create crafts, artwork, or other specialty items and want to reach a global market of consumers seeking one-of-a-kind products. 

The time required to run an Etsy shop can vary depending on the volume of sales and the complexity of the products, but it typically involves creating listings, processing orders, and handling customer inquiries. Knowledge of product photography, copywriting, and the Etsy platform is helpful for success. The difficulty level of starting an Etsy shop is relatively low, as the platform provides tools and support for setting up and managing a shop. 

According to Etsy's 2021 Seller Census, 79% of Etsy sellers identify as women, and 25% have children at home. To launch a thriving Etsy shop, focus on creating a cohesive brand aesthetic, optimising listings for search, and providing exceptional customer service to build positive reviews and repeat business.

Start a Jewellery Business

A jewellery business involves designing, creating, and selling jewellery items such as necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings. This type of business is popular among women and mums who have a passion for fashion and accessory design. 

The time required to run a jewellery business can vary depending on the complexity of the designs and the scale of production, but it typically involves sourcing materials, creating pieces, photographing products, and managing sales and customer service. Knowledge of jewellery-making techniques, as well as basic business skills like pricing, branding, and marketing, are necessary for success. The difficulty level of starting a jewellery business is moderate, as it requires both creative skills and business acumen to stand out in a competitive industry. 

Compared to other manufacturing industries in Australia, the Jewellery Manufacturing industry has experienced favourable operating conditions in recent years. It is projected that industry revenue will increase at an annualised rate of 12.5% over the five-year period leading up to 2023-24, reaching a total of $4.3 billion.

Start a Make-up Business

A make-up business involves creating and selling cosmetic products such as foundation, eyeshadow, lipstick, and other beauty items. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have a passion for beauty and want to help others feel confident and empowered. 

The time required to run a make-up business can vary depending on the range of products offered and the scale of production, but it typically involves formulating products, managing inventory, marketing the brand, and providing customer support. Knowledge of cosmetic chemistry, as well as skills in branding, packaging design, and digital marketing, are valuable for success. The difficulty level of starting a make-up business is high, as it requires significant investment in product development, testing, and regulatory compliance. 

Start an Online Store Business

An online store business involves selling products or services through an e-commerce website or platform. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who want to reach a wide audience of customers without the overhead costs of a physical store. 

The time required to run an online store can vary depending on the complexity of the products and the volume of sales, but it typically involves managing inventory, processing orders, handling customer inquiries, and marketing the business. Knowledge of e-commerce platforms, digital marketing, and customer service best practices are essential for success. The difficulty level of starting an online store is moderate, as it requires ongoing effort to drive traffic, convert sales, and maintain customer satisfaction. 

According to a report by Australia Post, online shopping in Australia has grown by over 20% in recent years, with women making up a significant portion of online shoppers. To launch a successful online store, choose a niche product category, invest in high-quality product descriptions and images, and focus on providing exceptional customer service to build brand loyalty and drive repeat purchases.

Start a Social Media Management Business

A social media management business involves helping other businesses or individuals manage their social media presence across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have strong communication skills and a deep understanding of social media marketing. 

The time required to run a social media management business can vary depending on the number of clients and the scope of services offered, but it typically involves creating content calendars, scheduling posts, engaging with followers, and analysing metrics to optimise performance. Knowledge of social media algorithms, content creation, and customer engagement strategies are crucial for success. The difficulty level of starting a social media management business is relatively low, as it requires minimal startup costs and can be done remotely from home. 

According to a report by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, over 50% of small businesses in Australia are run by women, and many of these businesses rely on social media to connect with customers and promote their products or services. To start a thriving social media management business, develop a strong portfolio of case studies, offer customised packages based on client needs, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in social media marketing.

Become a Content Creator

A content creator is someone who produces engaging, informative, or entertaining content for digital platforms such as blogs, YouTube, Instagram, or podcasts. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who have a creative skill or passion they want to share with a wider audience. 

The time required to be a successful content creator can vary depending on the frequency and complexity of the content being produced, but it typically involves ideation, research, production, editing, and promotion. Knowledge of content creation tools, storytelling techniques, and audience engagement strategies are valuable for success. The difficulty level of becoming a content creator is moderate, as it requires consistent effort to produce high-quality content and build a loyal audience. 

According to a survey by the Influencer Marketing Hub over 50% of Australian consumers engage with online content on a daily basis, and many successful content creators are women who have built careers around their creative passions. To thrive as a content creator, focus on developing a unique voice and niche expertise, invest in high-quality production values, and engage actively with your audience to foster a sense of community and trust.

Start a Blog Business

A blog business involves creating and monetising a website or blog that provides valuable content for a specific target audience. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have expertise or passion for a particular topic and want to share their knowledge with others. 

The time required to run a successful blog business can vary depending on the frequency of posting and the complexity of the content, but it typically involves researching and writing articles, optimising for search engines, promoting on social media, and engaging with readers. Knowledge of blogging platforms, SEO, and content marketing strategies are essential for success. The difficulty level of starting a blog business is relatively low, as it requires minimal startup costs and can be done from home on a flexible schedule. 

Start a Freelance Writing Business

A freelance writing business involves providing writing services to clients on a project basis, such as creating blog posts, articles, website copy, or marketing materials. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who have strong writing skills and want the flexibility to work from home on their own schedule. 

The time required to run a successful freelance writing business can vary depending on the number of clients and the scope of projects, but it typically involves pitching ideas, researching topics, drafting and editing content, and communicating with clients. Knowledge of grammar, style, and tone, as well as an understanding of SEO and content marketing best practices, are valuable for success. The difficulty level of starting a freelance writing business is relatively low, as it requires minimal startup costs and can be done with just a computer and internet connection. 

Launch a YouTube Channel Business

Launching a YouTube channel business involves creating and publishing video content on the YouTube platform to attract viewers and monetise through advertising, sponsorships, or product sales. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have a creative skill or passion they want to share with a wide audience in an engaging, visual format. 

The time required to run a successful YouTube channel can vary depending on the frequency and complexity of the videos being produced, but it typically involves ideation, scripting, filming, editing, and promotion. Knowledge of video production techniques, storytelling, and audience engagement strategies are crucial for success. The difficulty level of starting a YouTube channel business is moderate, as it requires consistent effort to produce high-quality content and build a loyal subscriber base. 

According to a report by Think with Google, over 50% of YouTube users in Australia are women, and many successful female creators have built businesses around their YouTube channels in niches like beauty, fashion, parenting, and lifestyle. To thrive as a YouTube creator, focus on developing a unique brand and content strategy, invest in quality video production equipment and skills, and engage actively with your audience through comments, community posts, and social media.

Host a podcast

Hosting a podcast involves creating and publishing audio content on a regular basis, typically focused on a specific topic or theme, and distributing it through platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who have expertise or passion for a particular subject and want to share their knowledge and insights with others in an intimate, conversational format. 

The time required to host a successful podcast can vary depending on the frequency and length of episodes, but it typically involves planning, research, recording, editing, and promotion. Knowledge of audio production techniques, interviewing skills, and content marketing strategies are valuable for success. The difficulty level of starting a podcast business is relatively low, as it requires minimal startup costs and can be done from home with just a microphone and recording software. 

According to a survey by ABC Radio National, over 65% of Australian podcast listeners are women, and many successful female hosts have built loyal audiences and monetised their shows through advertising, sponsorships, or listener support. To succeed as a podcast host, choose a niche topic that aligns with your expertise and passion, invest in quality audio equipment and production values, and engage actively with your listeners through social media, email, or live events.

Start an Online Education Business

Starting an online education business involves creating and selling educational content, courses, or programs through a website, online platform, or mobile app. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have expertise in a particular subject area and want to share their knowledge with others in a structured, accessible format. 

The time required to run a successful online education business can vary depending on the scope and complexity of the courses being offered, but it typically involves curriculum development, content creation, marketing, and student support. Knowledge of instructional design, online learning technologies, and digital marketing strategies are essential for success. The difficulty level of starting an online education business is moderate to high, as it requires significant upfront investment in course development and technology, as well as ongoing effort to attract and retain students. 

According to a report by the DigitalDefynd, the online education market in Australia is worth over $3.85 billion and is growing rapidly, with many successful female entrepreneurs building businesses in niches like language learning, professional development, and creative skills. To thrive in the online education space, focus on creating high-quality, engaging course content that meets the needs of your target audience, invest in user-friendly learning platforms and marketing channels, and provide exceptional student support and community building.

Start an Online Fitness Coaching Business

Starting an online fitness coaching business involves providing personalised fitness training, nutrition guidance, and accountability support to clients through virtual platforms like Zoom, Skype, or mobile apps. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who are passionate about health and wellness and want to help others achieve their fitness goals from the convenience of their own homes. 

The time required to run a successful online fitness coaching business can vary depending on the number of clients and the scope of services offered, but it typically involves creating customised workout plans, conducting virtual training sessions, providing nutrition advice, and tracking client progress. Knowledge of exercise science, coaching psychology, and online communication tools are valuable for success. The difficulty level of starting an online fitness coaching business is moderate, as it requires specialised training and certifications, as well as strong interpersonal and marketing skills to attract and retain clients. 

Start a Yoga Business

Starting a yoga business involves teaching yoga classes, workshops, or retreats, either in-person or through online platforms, and offering related products or services like yoga apparel, equipment, or teacher training. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who are passionate about yoga and want to share its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits with others. 

The time required to run a successful yoga business can vary depending on the format and frequency of classes, but it typically involves lesson planning, teaching, marketing, and administrative tasks. Knowledge of yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology, as well as business skills like pricing, branding, and customer service, are essential for success. The difficulty level of starting a yoga business is moderate, as it requires specialised training and certification, as well as the ability to differentiate oneself in a crowded market. 

According to Zippia, over 72% of yoga practitioners in the country are women, and many successful female entrepreneurs have built thriving businesses around yoga studios, retreats, and online classes. To succeed as a yoga business owner, develop a unique teaching style and niche, invest in high-quality training and facilities, and focus on building a loyal community of students who value the transformative power of yoga.

Start a Personal Trainer Business

Starting a personal trainer business involves providing one-on-one or small group fitness training to clients, either in-person at a gym or studio, or through online platforms. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who are passionate about fitness and want to help others achieve their health and wellness goals through personalised coaching and support. 

The time required to run a successful personal trainer business can vary depending on the number of clients and the scope of services offered, but it typically involves conducting fitness assessments, designing workout plans, leading training sessions, and providing nutrition and lifestyle advice. Knowledge of exercise science, biomechanics, and behaviour change psychology, as well as business skills like marketing, sales, and customer service, are crucial for success. The difficulty level of starting a personal trainer business is moderate to high, as it requires specialised certifications, liability insurance, and the ability to attract and retain a steady stream of clients. 

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the personal training industry in Australia has grown by over 20% in recent years, with many successful female trainers building businesses around niche markets like pre and postnatal fitness, weight loss, or athletic performance. To thrive as a personal trainer, develop a unique coaching style and program, invest in ongoing education and professional development, and focus on building strong, trusting relationships with your clients to help them achieve long-term success.

Start a Graphic Design Business

Starting a graphic design business involves creating visual content like logos, branding, marketing materials, or website designs for clients in various industries. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have a creative flair and enjoy using digital tools to communicate ideas and messages through compelling visuals. 

The time required to run a successful graphic design business can vary depending on the complexity and scope of projects, but it typically involves meeting with clients, conceptualising designs, creating and revising drafts, and delivering final files. Knowledge of design principles, software programs like Adobe Creative Suite, and current design trends and best practices are essential for success. The difficulty level of starting a graphic design business is moderate, as it requires a strong portfolio and the ability to consistently produce high-quality work that meets client needs and deadlines. 

According to Colorlib, over 50.2% of graphic designers in the country are women, and many have built successful freelance or agency businesses serving a wide range of clients and industries. To succeed as a graphic designer, develop a unique style and niche, invest in professional-grade software and equipment, and focus on building strong relationships with clients through exceptional communication, collaboration, and customer service.

Start an Editing Videos Business

Starting an editing video business involves providing post-production services like video editing, colour correction, sound mixing, or animation for clients in various industries such as marketing, entertainment, or education. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who have a keen eye for detail, storytelling skills and enjoy working with digital media to create engaging, polished video content. 

The time required to run a successful video editing business can vary depending on the length and complexity of projects. Still, it typically involves importing and organising footage, selecting and arranging clips, adding transitions and effects, and exporting final videos in various formats. Knowledge of video editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro, as well as an understanding of visual storytelling techniques and current video trends, are valuable for success. The difficulty level of starting a video editing business is moderate to high, as it requires specialised technical skills and the ability to deliver high-quality work on tight deadlines. 

According to the Screen Australia, over 50% of professional video editors in Australia are women, and many have built thriving businesses serving clients in various industries. To succeed as a video editor, develop a strong portfolio showcasing your skills and style, invest in professional-grade software and equipment, and focus on building relationships with clients through clear communication, attention to detail, and a commitment to delivering exceptional results.

Works as Freelancer Web Developer

Working as a freelance web developer involves creating and maintaining websites and web applications for clients in various industries, using programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or PHP. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have strong technical skills, enjoy problem-solving, and want the flexibility to work remotely on a project basis. 

The time required to work as a freelance web developer can vary depending on the scope and complexity of projects, but it typically involves meeting with clients, planning and designing websites, writing and testing code, and providing ongoing maintenance and support. Knowledge of web development languages, frameworks, and best practices, as well as an understanding of user experience and digital marketing principles, are crucial for success. The difficulty level of working as a freelance web developer is high, as it requires specialised technical skills and the ability to stay up-to-date with rapidly evolving technologies and trends. 

Work as a virtual assistant

Working as a virtual assistant involves providing remote administrative, technical, or creative support to clients or businesses, typically on a freelance or contract basis. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who have strong organisational, communication, and digital skills, and want the flexibility to work from home while supporting others. 

The time required to work as a virtual assistant can vary depending on the number of clients and the scope of services offered, but it typically involves tasks like email and calendar management, data entry and research, social media and content creation, or customer service and support. Knowledge of productivity tools like Microsoft Office, Google Suite, or project management software, as well as strong writing, editing, and problem-solving skills, are valuable for success. The difficulty level of starting a virtual assistant business is relatively low, as it requires minimal startup costs and can be done with just a computer, internet connection, and relevant software. 

Do transcription work

Doing transcription work involves converting audio or video recordings into written text, often for businesses, researchers, or content creators who need accurate, written records of their spoken content. This type of work is well-suited for women and mums who have strong typing, listening, and language skills, and want the flexibility to work from home on a freelance or part-time basis. 

The time required to do transcription work can vary depending on the length and complexity of the audio files, but it typically involves listening to recordings, typing out what is said verbatim, and editing for accuracy and clarity. Knowledge of transcription software, typing shortcuts, and industry-specific terminology, as well as attention to detail and the ability to meet deadlines, are essential for success. The difficulty level of doing transcription work is moderate, as it requires focused concentration, fast and accurate typing, and the ability to understand various accents, dialects, and technical jargon. 

Sell on Amazon FBA

Selling on Amazon FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon) involves sourcing or creating products, listing them on the Amazon marketplace, and having Amazon handle the storage, shipping, and customer service on your behalf. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who want to start an e-commerce business without the hassle of managing inventory, fulfilment, or logistics themselves. 

The time required to sell on Amazon FBA can vary depending on the products being sold and the level of competition, but it typically involves researching profitable niches, finding or creating products, optimising listings for search and conversion, and managing inventory and pricing. Knowledge of Amazon's policies and best practices, as well as an understanding of e-commerce marketing, pricing strategies, and customer service, are valuable for success. The difficulty level of starting an Amazon FBA business is moderate to high, as it requires upfront investment in inventory, ongoing management of listings and pricing, and the ability to navigate a complex and competitive marketplace. 

According to a report by Jungle Scout, over 1 million third-party sellers worldwide are using Amazon FBA, with 93% successful female entrepreneurs building businesses in niches like beauty, fashion, or home goods. To thrive as an Amazon FBA seller, identify a profitable niche with low competition, source or create high-quality products, optimise your listings for search and conversion, and focus on providing exceptional customer service and building positive reviews.

Start an eBay business

Starting an eBay business involves selling products on the eBay marketplace, either as an individual seller or a professional store, and managing all aspects of the sales process, from listing and pricing to shipping and customer service. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have a knack for finding or creating unique, in-demand products and want the flexibility to work from home on their own schedule. 

The time required to run an eBay business can vary depending on the volume of sales and the complexity of the products being sold, but it typically involves sourcing or creating products, crafting compelling listings, managing inventory and shipping, and providing customer support. Knowledge of eBay's policies and best practices, as well as an understanding of e-commerce photography, copywriting, and pricing strategies, are crucial for success. The difficulty level of starting an eBay business is moderate, as it requires consistent effort to source products, optimise listings, and manage sales and customer service. 

Self-publish an e-book

Self-publishing an e-book involves writing, editing, and publishing a digital book on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Apple iBooks, or Kobo Writing Life, and marketing it to readers online. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who have a passion for writing, expertise in a particular subject, or a unique story to share, and want to earn passive income from their creative work. 

The time required to self-publish an e-book can vary depending on the length and complexity of the book, but it typically involves writing and editing the manuscript, formatting it for digital platforms, designing a cover, and promoting the book through online channels. Knowledge of basic writing and editing skills, as well as an understanding of e-book formatting, pricing strategies, and digital marketing techniques, are valuable for success. The difficulty level of self-publishing an e-book is moderate, as it requires a significant upfront time investment in writing and production, as well as ongoing effort to market and promote the book to readers. 

According to a report by the Alliance of Independent Authors, over 60% of self-published authors worldwide are women, and many have built successful writing careers in genres like romance, mystery, or self-help. To thrive as a self-published author, write a high-quality, well-edited book that meets the needs and interests of your target audience, price it competitively, and focus on building a loyal readership through consistent marketing and engagement.

Start in Affiliate Marketing

Starting in affiliate marketing involves promoting other people's or company's products or services online and earning a commission for each sale or lead generated through your unique affiliate link. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have a strong online presence, enjoy creating content, and want to earn passive income by recommending products they believe in. 

The time required to start in affiliate marketing can vary depending on the niche, products, and marketing strategies used, but it typically involves finding relevant affiliate programs, creating content like blog posts, videos, or social media posts that promote the products, and driving traffic to the affiliate links. Knowledge of basic digital marketing skills, as well as an understanding of SEO, social media, and email marketing best practices, are crucial for success. The difficulty level of starting in affiliate marketing is moderate, as it requires consistent effort to create high-quality, engaging content and drive targeted traffic to affiliate offers. 

Start a PR Agency Business

Starting a PR (Public Relations) agency business involves providing strategic communication and media relations services to clients, such as businesses, organisations, or individuals, to help them build and maintain a positive public image and reputation. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who have strong communication, writing, and networking skills, and enjoy the challenge of crafting compelling stories and building relationships with media and stakeholders. 

The time required to start a PR agency can vary depending on the size and scope of the business, but it typically involves developing a business plan, identifying a target market, creating a service offering, and building a network of media contacts and clients. Knowledge of PR principles and best practices, as well as strong writing, pitching, and project management skills, are essential for success. The difficulty level of starting a PR agency is high, as it requires significant experience, expertise, and industry connections to attract and retain clients in a competitive market. 

Open a Travel Agency Business

Opening a travel agency business involves providing travel planning, booking, and advisory services to clients, such as individuals, families, or businesses, who want to plan and book trips for leisure or business purposes. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have a passion for travel, enjoy researching and planning itineraries, and want to help others create memorable travel experiences. 

The time required to open a travel agency can vary depending on the type of agency and the services offered, but it typically involves developing a business plan, obtaining necessary licences and certifications, building relationships with travel suppliers and vendors, and marketing the business to potential clients. Knowledge of the travel industry, as well as strong customer service, sales, and problem-solving skills, are crucial for success. The difficulty level of opening a travel agency is moderate to high, as it requires significant research, planning, and investment to establish a competitive and profitable business in a rapidly evolving industry. 

Work as a Coach

Working as a coach involves providing guidance, support, and accountability to clients who want to achieve their personal or professional goals, such as improving their health, relationships, career, or business. This type of business is ideal for women and mums who have expertise in a particular area, enjoy helping others grow and succeed, and want the flexibility to work remotely or on their own schedule. 

The time required to work as a coach can vary depending on the number of clients and the coaching format, but it typically involves conducting coaching sessions, creating action plans, providing resources and support, and tracking client progress. Knowledge of coaching principles and techniques, as well as strong communication, listening, and problem-solving skills, are essential for success. The difficulty level of working as a coach is moderate, as it requires specialised training, certification, and the ability to attract and retain clients in a competitive market. 

Start a wedding planning business

Starting a wedding planning business involves providing event planning, coordination, and management services to couples who are planning their wedding, from the initial concept and budget to the day-of execution and follow-up. This type of business is well-suited for women and mums who have a passion for event planning, enjoy working with people, and have strong organisational, problem-solving, and creative skills. 

The time required to start a wedding planning business can vary depending on the size and scope of the weddings being planned, but it typically involves developing a business plan, obtaining necessary licences and insurance, building relationships with vendors and venues, and marketing the business to potential clients. Knowledge of wedding industry trends, etiquette, and best practices, as well as strong project management, budgeting, and customer service skills, are crucial for success. The difficulty level of starting a wedding planning business is moderate to high, as it requires significant time, effort, and expertise to plan and execute successful weddings in a highly competitive and emotionally charged industry. 

Teach English online

Teaching English online involves providing language instruction to students from around the world through virtual classroom platforms, often on a one-on-one or small group basis. This type of work is well-suited for women and mums who have a teaching background or a strong command of the English language, and want the flexibility to work from home on a part-time or full-time basis. 

The time required to teach English online can vary depending on the number of students and the length of the classes, but it typically involves preparing lesson plans, conducting live video lessons, providing feedback and support, and managing student progress. Knowledge of ESL teaching methods and techniques, as well as strong communication, cultural sensitivity, and technology skills, are essential for success. The difficulty level of teaching English online is moderate, as it requires a bachelor's degree, TEFL certification, and the ability to engage and motivate students in a virtual learning environment. 

Work as a proofreader

Working as a proofreader involves reviewing and correcting written content, such as articles, books, or websites, for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting, often as the final step before publication. This type of work is ideal for women and mums who have a keen eye for detail, a strong command of the English language, and a passion for ensuring clarity and accuracy in written communication. 

The time required to work as a proofreader can vary depending on the length and complexity of the documents being reviewed, but it typically involves carefully reading through the content, identifying and correcting errors, and providing feedback and suggestions for improvement. Knowledge of grammar and style guides, as well as strong attention to detail and the ability to meet deadlines, are essential for success. The difficulty level of working as a proofreader is moderate, as it requires a strong foundation in English language skills, familiarity with various style guides and formats, and the ability to work independently and efficiently. 

What type of business can I start as a mum?

As a mum, just like any other prospective business owner, you can start various types of businesses that align with your skills, interests, and lifestyle. Some popular options include freelance writing, virtual assistant services, e-commerce, blogging, social media management, and online tutoring. These businesses offer the flexibility to work from home and set your own hours, making them well-suited for balancing work and family responsibilities.

To be successful as a mum in business, it's essential to develop strong time management and organisational skills, set clear boundaries between work and family time, and seek support from family, friends, and professional networks. Building a strong network of fellow mum entrepreneurs can provide valuable advice, resources, and encouragement as you navigate the challenges of running a business while raising a family. Many successful mum entrepreneurs have overcome these obstacles by prioritising self-care, delegating tasks, and focusing on their strengths and passions.

Can I start an online business as a mum?

Yes, you can absolutely start an online business as a mum! In fact, online businesses are an increasingly popular choice for mums who want to balance work and family life. With the flexibility to work from home and set your own hours, online businesses allow mums to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams while still being present for their children.

Some of the most common types of online businesses chosen by mums in Australia include e-commerce stores, blogging, freelance writing, social media management, and virtual assistant services. These businesses often require minimal startup costs and can be run from home, making them accessible and appealing to mums who are looking to start their entrepreneurial journey.

Can I start a business while pregnant?

Yes, you can start a business while pregnant, but it's important to consider the unique challenges and considerations that come with this decision. From a physiological standpoint, pregnancy can come with symptoms like fatigue, nausea, and discomfort, which can make it more difficult to focus on starting and running a business. Psychologically, the anticipation and preparation for motherhood can also be mentally and emotionally taxing, potentially impacting your ability to give your full attention to your business.

If you do decide to start a business while pregnant, it's essential to be realistic about your energy levels and limitations, and to prioritise self-care and stress management. Choosing a business model that allows for flexibility and remote work can be beneficial, as it can enable you to adjust your schedule and workload as needed throughout your pregnancy.

Other key considerations include planning for maternity leave and establishing a support system of family, friends, and professionals who can help you navigate the challenges of starting a business while preparing for motherhood. It may also be helpful to connect with other mum entrepreneurs who have started businesses while pregnant, as they can offer valuable insights, advice, and encouragement based on their own experiences.

Ultimately, starting a business while pregnant is a personal decision that requires careful thought and planning. By being realistic about the challenges, prioritising your well-being, and building a strong support system, you can lay the foundation for a successful business that allows you to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams while preparing for the joys and responsibilities of motherhood.

What is the easiest online business type to start for women?

The easiest online business type for women to start is a service-based business that leverages their existing skills and expertise. Examples include freelance writing, virtual assistant services, social media management, and online tutoring. These businesses require minimal startup costs and can be run from home with just a computer and internet connection.

The reason why service-based businesses are often the easiest to start is that they allow for flexibility and low overhead costs. Women can use their existing skills and knowledge to offer services to clients, without needing to invest in inventory, equipment, or physical office space. Additionally, service-based businesses can be easily scaled up or down depending on the woman's availability and goals, making them well-suited for balancing work and personal life.

What is the easiest online business type to start for a mum?

For mums specifically, the easiest online business type to start is one that allows for maximum flexibility and can be done during nap times or after the kids are in bed. Blogging, affiliate marketing, and e-commerce dropshipping are all good options for mums looking to start an online business.

The reason why these business types are often easiest for mums is that they can be run on a flexible schedule and don't require a lot of upfront investment. With blogging and affiliate marketing, mums can create content and promote products whenever they have time, without needing to be available for clients or customers at specific hours. E-commerce dropshipping allows mums to sell products online without needing to handle inventory or shipping, making it a low-maintenance option for those with limited time and resources.

What is the Hardest online business type to start for women?

The hardest online business types for women to start are those that require significant upfront investment, specialised technical skills, or a large time commitment.

The reason why these business types are the hardest to start is that they often require a steep learning curve, expensive equipment or software, and a significant amount of time to launch and grow. Women who are balancing work and family responsibilities may find it challenging to dedicate the necessary resources and energy to these types of businesses, especially in the early stages.

What is the Hardest online business type to start for a mum?

For mums, the hardest online business types to start are those that require a rigid schedule or frequent real-time interaction with clients or customers. Examples could include online therapy or counselling services, live video streaming or webinar hosting, and high-touch coaching or consulting services.

The reason why these business types are sometimes the hardest to start is that they often require being available at specific times for sessions or live events, which can be challenging to balance with the unpredictable demands of motherhood. Mums may find it difficult to consistently show up for clients or customers while managing childcare responsibilities and other family obligations. 

Ultimately, the easiest or hardest online business types for women and mums will depend on individual circumstances, skills, and goals. By carefully considering factors like time availability, startup costs, and personal strengths and interests, women and mums can choose the online business model that is the best fit for their unique situation and aspirations.

What is the most lucrative online business type in 2024?

According to recent studies and market trends, the most lucrative online business type in 2024 is e-commerce, particularly in the areas of health and wellness, sustainable products, and personalised offerings. A report by Statista projects that the global e-commerce market will reach $7.63 trillion by 2024, with a significant portion of this growth driven by the increasing demand for online shopping and the rise of mobile commerce.

For mums and women entrepreneurs, e-commerce presents a promising opportunity to start and scale a profitable online business. The flexibility and low overhead costs of e-commerce make it well-suited for balancing work and family responsibilities, while the ability to reach a global customer base and tap into niche markets can lead to significant financial rewards.

E-commerce is considered a lucrative business type due to its potential for high profit margins, scalability, and the growing demand for online shopping. With the right product selection, marketing strategy, and customer service, mum and women entrepreneurs can build successful e-commerce businesses that generate substantial income. According to a survey by the National Retail Federation, the average e-commerce business owner in the United States earns between $100,000 to $250,000 per year, with top performers earning over $1 million annually.

How to find the Right business type for you

Finding the right online business type for you involves careful consideration of your skills, interests, resources, and goals. Here are some key steps to help you choose the best business model for your unique situation:

  1. Assess your skills and experience: Identify your strengths and areas of expertise, and consider how they could be applied to an online business. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, entrepreneurs who build businesses around their own skills and knowledge are more likely to succeed than those who pursue opportunities outside their area of competence.
  2. Evaluate your passions and interests: Choose a business type that aligns with your passions and interests, as this will make it easier to stay motivated and committed in the long run. A survey by the National Association of Women Business Owners found that 70% of successful women entrepreneurs started businesses in industries they were passionate about.
  3. Consider your time and resources: Be realistic about the amount of time and money you can invest in your online business, and choose a model that fits within these constraints. A report by the Small Business Administration suggests that entrepreneurs who start businesses with sufficient capital and a clear plan for time management are more likely to achieve long-term success.
  4. Research market demand and competition: Identify a business type that meets a genuine need or demand in the market, and assess the level of competition in your chosen niche. According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania, businesses that offer unique or innovative products or services are more likely to stand out and attract customers in crowded markets.
  5. Seek guidance from a mentor or business coach: Connect with an experienced mentor or business coach who can provide valuable insights, advice, and support as you navigate the process of starting and growing your online business. A survey by the UPS Store found that 70% of small business owners who received mentoring survived for five years or more, double the rate of those who did not receive mentoring.

Does a Business Coach Help you find the right business type for you?

A business coach is a professional who provides guidance, support, and accountability to help entrepreneurs start, grow, and optimise their businesses. They offer expertise in areas like business strategy, marketing, finance, and operations, and work closely with clients to identify their strengths, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.

Yes, a business coach can absolutely help you find the right online business type for you. Through a combination of assessments, discussions, and market research, a business coach can help you clarify your skills, interests, and objectives, and match them with a business model that has the potential for success and fulfilment. They can also provide valuable insights into industry trends, customer needs, and competitive landscapes, helping you make informed decisions about your business direction and strategy.

What are the steps to start an online business?

Starting an online business involves several key steps, which may vary depending on the specific business model and niche you have chosen. However, here is a general outline of the process:

  1. Define your business idea and niche: Clearly articulate your business concept, target audience, and unique value proposition. Conduct market research to validate your idea and identify potential challenges and opportunities.
  2. Develop your business plan: Create a comprehensive business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, target market, competitive landscape, financial projections, and action steps. This will serve as a roadmap for launching and growing your online business.
  3. Choose your business structure and register your business: Decide on the appropriate legal structure for your business (sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation) and register your business with the relevant government agencies.
  4. Build your website and online presence: Develop a professional website that effectively showcases your products or services, and establishes your brand identity. Create social media accounts and other online profiles to expand your reach and engage with your target audience.
  5. Source or create your products or services: Depending on your business model, you may need to source products from suppliers, create your own products, or develop a range of services to offer to your customers.
  6. Implement your marketing and customer acquisition strategies: Develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan to attract and retain customers, using tactics like search engine optimization, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising.
  7. Launch and monitor your business: Officially launch your online business and continuously monitor your performance, making adjustments and improvements as needed based on customer feedback, market trends, and financial data.

Throughout this process, it can be invaluable to seek the guidance and support of a business coach or mentor, who can provide personalised advice, help you navigate challenges, and hold you accountable to your goals. With dedication, persistence, and a willingness to learn and adapt, you can successfully start and grow a thriving online business as a mum or woman entrepreneur.