Webinar: How to build your brand in a crisis

Everything you need to know about building your business' brand

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Mums & Co-VID19 Taskforce Webinar

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In the last few weeks, our lives have been transformed immeasurably. As business mums, we’ve gone from worrying about how best to grow our business, to wondering if we’ll have one when the crisis is over. Beyond that, with multiple industries paused indefinitely and thousands of people losing jobs, is it even possible at the moment to maintain your business? Or build your brand? And if so, how do you do it? 

In our  webinar with Sarah Nelson, communications expert and founder of Sarah Nelson Advisory, we delve into all things brand and business. Sarah expertly talks us through exactly what we need to check (and change) right now from a marketing perspective, whether or not we should pivot, and what we need to do to get us through the next few months and not only survive, but thrive. 

Here’s what you’ll learn in the webinar: 

What should I do right now from a brand perspective? 

If there’s one thing that is true of this crisis, it’s that we’ve all become more familiar with the things that matter to us - for example, who doesn’t miss a dinner out or a day at the beach? The same is true of your brand, says Sarah. Now is the time to check in with your brand values, and use those as a compass to how to navigate this challenging time. 

But how do you do that? Sarah says that right now, it’s very important to check in to see how you’re appearing in public, and whether this is appropriate at this current time. There’s a few big brands who have done this well: 

‘Take for example, Corona beer. There’s lots they could have said, but they’ve chosen silence, and that’s likely the most appropriate.’ 
‘Coca Cola have created a beautiful campaign, they’ve used their logo and spaced the distance between the letters. And Nike, they’ve made some smart decisions too. Instead of continuing to use “Just Do It,” they’ve created a new, temporary tagline “Play Inside.”’ 

When you’re checking how your brand is appearing in public, Sarah recommends you check a number of things. 

Sarah runs through what these are in the webinar. Access it here.

Should I pivot, pause or try to continue to grow my business? 

There’s no doubt that as working parents, all of us have a lot on our plates at the moment, especially with some children not returning to school next term. Sarah is very honest in that she says she believes that multitasking is a ruse, and the task ahead of parents right now is gargantuan. Based on this, she recommends that whatever you do, just try to focus on a few things and remember - done is better than perfect. 

On the topic of whether businesses should pivot right now if they’re not able to function well enough in the current environment, Sarah is a little unsure: 

‘I don’t think normal is coming back, so if you do pivot, think about the consequences of that and what it’s going to take to pivot back.’ 

There is one type of pivot that Sarah thinks is very feasible right now though. Discover what it is in the webinar, access it here.

Also in the webinar: 

  • Why you need to be really careful of burnout at the moment
  • Why leading with the positive is so critical. 

Listen to the webinar now to ensure your business and brand are best-placed to weather the current crisis.

Recommended Reading: Working From Home With The Kids In Lock Down
Recommended Reading: 10 Mental Health Resources To Get You Through COVID-19
Recommended Reading: How To Find Connection In Times of Social Distancing and Self Isolation

Mums & Co have created a special taskforce to support our 345,000 + members to best manage throughout the coronavirus crisis. The taskforce includes 15 experts, who will be answering your questions via daily webinars and making themselves available for individual consultations, if you need. We’re also developing a chat-bot to support you, 24.7. Access to our taskforce is available via a Mums & Co premium membership, which we are providing for free for the next 3 months. 

We’re here to support you and we’re stronger together. Join us here.