Member Profile: Julie Latanzi, Founder of Big Little Parties

Our monthly member profile - a chance for our community members to share more about themselves and their business with the world.

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The Mums & Co community is a network of mumbitious business owning women. We’ve learned so much over the years from hearing about our members’ journeys and sharing their stories about life as a woman in business with you!

We love to shine the spotlight on our members and their businesses, today we meet Julie Latanzi, Company Director of Big Little Parties

Tell us about you

I’m a mum of a Football obsessed 14yr old boy. I live in Sydney but am originally from Brisbane. I live with my equally football obsessed husband and dog named Harvey. I think having all that testosterone around me escalated the need for some “pretty” in my life.

I have recently started Big Little Parties - 6 months old now. I have been in Interior design, Interior Styling, Visual Merchandising and Retail buying for 15 years and have recently opened my Children’s Party Company - Big Little Parties pty ltd. I’ve always loved hosting events, and in particular sourcing products. I decided to put my knowledge to good use and opened Big Little Parties.

Describe your biz in a sentence

Big Little Parties pty ltd is an online premium party supply business specialising in children’s parties.

Tell us how your business came to be

I started Big Little Parties because I was working as a Visual Merchandising Manager for Pottery Barn and loved designing room sets and displays and putting them together and also got so excited when I could see how those designs equated to profits.

My lightbulb moment was when my family and friends consistently asked me to set up their parties so I thought why don’t I do this for myself.

I love love love organising parties and all the visuals but I have to admit, I was losing my mind traveling from store to store to purchase different products and wasting time by doing so. I created Big Little Parties so parents could shop in one place for all they need for their party or event. I specialise in children’s parties because I absolutely love sourcing kids party supplies and just letting my imagination come to life.

What has been one of your best business calls/decisions to date?

Sticking to a niche (kids parties) and doing it well rather than having my hand in too many pies and doing a mediocre job and getting overwhelmed.

If you could re-do / change something about your biz - what would it be?

Open my business sooner!!!!!!

Your daily motto?

Walk don’t run.

What are three things you need help with at the moment?

  • Always need tech help
  • Google ads help
  • Social media help

What does your typical day look like?

6.30 - Wake

Get child breakfast and get ready for school

Drive child to bus stop

0800 - Come home and start my work day

0800 -1000 - Pack orders

1000 - Answer Emails

1030 - Make sure orders are labelled and ready for collection

1100-1300 - Check my running ads and performance and look over what my competitors are doing

1300-1400 - Try and have a break

1400-1600 - Admin

1600 - School pick up

1700 - Make sure all emails and inquiries are answered

1730- Prepare dinner

After dinner I usually spend about an hour when I have this quiet time to get creative and think of new business concepts.

What’s one thing you know that will benefit our audience? Let them know!

I can definitely assist with party themes, sourcing products, organising parties, giving design and creative assistance.

How do you maintain your motivation?

I am very competitive so when I start to fade I stalk my competitors and get inspired by their creativity and gain a “if you can do it I can do it” attitude.

I also give myself a break by taking a breath and getting myself back to basics and strive for realistic goals.  I really do believe in slow and steady wins the race.

What is something about running your business that you wish you had been told sooner?

The speed of change in the marketplace and the ongoing speed of how technology and social media in particular impact my business.

You can get in touch with Julie via:




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