Member Profile: Simone Eyles, Founder of Disinfluencer

Our monthly member profile - a chance for our community members to share more about themselves and their business with the world.

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The Mums & Co community is a network of mumbitious business owning women. We’ve learned so much over the years from hearing about our members’ journeys and sharing their stories about life as a woman in business with you!

We love to shine the spotlight on our members and their businesses, today we meet Simone Eyles, founder of Disinfluencer a Creative Talent Agency representing People with Disabilities.

Tell us about you

Creative social entrepreneur who loves baking sourdough!

Do you have a podcast? 

Yes (currently doing a re-brand watch this space!)

Describe your biz in a sentence

Representation, employment, and inclusion in the advertising and media industry for people with disabilities. Think - Talent, stock photos, brand partnerships and MORE!

Tell us how your business came to be

It started by a tweet - when Hannah Diviney called out Lizzo I felt like I wanted to weigh in on that conversation … that conversation being how people are represented in the media, it started with a voice note that turned into a podcast that is now a creative talent agency.

What has been one of your best business calls/decisions to date?

To invest in myself straight away when I couldn’t really afford to! Having a coach fast tracks so much uncertainty.

 What are three things you could help other members with?

  1.  How to be digitally inclusive
  2. The to market to a global underrepresented market (the disability market)
  3. Embracing technology for good.

What does your typical day look like?

I do the kid crazy routine in the morning and I am at my desk at 10 and I work till 3 - I do deep work and having worked from home for years am super disciplined to work and get stuff done! 

What are your favourite business tools (and why?)

My iPhone.

What would you like to see more of when it comes to helping women in small businesses succeed?

More spotlight on the women that start business (and some empires) because they had to, not because they are a mum but are also a “carer”.

What’s your approach on ‘the juggle’?

Use tech to work for me

What’s the last book you read that you’d recommend to a friend?

The Alchemist

What supportive networks are you a part of?

The Champagne Lounge has been so amazing for me because it is about connection not networking.

What does mumbition mean to you? (the unapologetic blending of motherhood and ambition)

Having a go, being a mum is a superpower so do your thing your way.

If you could be introduced to anyone who would it be?

Hannah Diviney

Who are the mumbitous business owners you would like to shout out to here?

Jen and Lucy AND Sarah! You girls X

What’s the best part of being part of the Mums & Co community?

All the incredible women, I love the podcast too!

How has Mums & Co helped you?

Yes, through an intro to Jen Harwood who I did some Business Coaching with and this played a key role in me going all in instead of faffing about! 

You can get in touch with Simone via:




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