
Money Can’t Buy Me Love (It actually can!)

Money Can’t Buy Me Love (It actually can!)

5 minutes
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Money Can’t Buy Me Love (It actually can!) - with Julia Scott of Love, Luck, Wealth

Julia Scott is the founder of Love, Luck, Wealth, a holistic finance consultancy. She's on a very clear mission to help more women make lots more money. Julia combines her skills as a feng shui practitioner with her accounting expertise to address the gap in the market for female income growth and wealth creation. 

Can you give us your best 30 second elevator pitch?

“It's my mission to ensure the world has more wealthy women. Money is power, security and choice, and that's everything a woman needs to thrive. But money is also emotional, and we each have beliefs about what's possible. These beliefs can limit us from reaching our true potential; they’re called money blocks. I help women let go of money blocks and put systems in place so that they can earn more, invest and build lasting wealth with ease and grace.”

Could you share what the shape of a good life looks like for you?

“I write about my good life every day. Every morning as part of my journaling, I write out the goals for what my business looks like in five years time, how I'm feeling, and I write it as if it's already happened. I remind myself that we owe it to the women who came before us. Our mothers, our grandmothers and our great grandmothers, to live our life to the best of our ability with purpose and passion and it's important to remind yourself of that. We are very lucky to be here, as I said, we are the first generation of women who have had this financial autonomy. Even when things take a downturn, I remember life's happening for me, not to me, to respond rather than to react, and to never make a decision out of fear. I do that by following my intuition, even if it's difficult to do so because it's never wrong and it always works out.”

Is there a process you have in place to protect yourself against risk as your business grows?

You've got to have the right legal structure. For some people, if their business is really new, they might not have the money to set up a company. But you always need to just keep in mind that you need to protect your personal assets, and also protect yourself from the debts of other people. Ensure you have the right insurance, ensure you have the right policies and disclaimers in place on your website. Always have a stash of cash for a rainy day and have a financial vision board because whatever you focus on grows. I'm not a big believer in focusing on minimizing expenses everywhere. I think sometimes you need to pay what you need to pay to move forward and grow, but focus on earning more money. You need to have the money coming in. Finally, know the difference between good and bad debt.

Do you think women have a different experience than men when it comes to money?

“I like to think of money as your lover. I want him to stick around, to commit, to be loyal, fun and always there for me. They say that you should always give out what you receive. I treat him the way I would want him to treat me. I pay him attention, I think nice thoughts about him, I expect the best and I include him in my plans. If you don't pay attention to your lover, he'll go somewhere else.

For thousands of years, women haven't been paying attention to money. Not because they didn't want to, but because just that up until recently, in the last 40 years or so, we haven't been legally allowed to freely attract, manage and grow our own money.

It's a very different experience for men as opposed to women. When it comes to money for men, it represents power. For women, that money represents safety. It's new and it's something that we're fearful of getting wrong.”

Want to know more about how Julia Scott can help you set up your home and workspace for financial success?

Are you curious about the innate connection between money and your environment?   

Are you looking to grow your earning capability by making no-nonsense changes to your home and work zones? 

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