
The #1 priority for business owners

What you prioritise is nobody else's business

2 minutes
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The #1 priority for business owners

Interview with Dr Delia McCabe of Lighter Brighter You

We often talk about our trinity to harmonise our lives as finding the balance between our ambition, livelihood and wellbeing. Each element in this triangle is linked and of equal importance. When one is out of balance the shape of life can be unstable.   


As a business owner and a mum, it can be easy to put your own wellbeing last, there are so many other things fighting for your attention. We can forget that our ambition, business success and family will do better when we prioritise our own individual health. You can't pour from an empty cup, no business is going to grow if the owner isn't thriving. 


We’ve spoken to Dr Delia McCabe who is on a mission to improve our wellbeing. A neuroscientist, nutritionist, mother and the founder of Lighter, Brighter You, Delia has recently completed a PhD on the female stressed brain. 


What is one thing that you wish all business women would do with their voice?

"A lot of women don't want to put their hand up and say they need help. I sometimes found that the women who really needed the most help were kind of embarrassed to ask for it. However, none of us should be."

Can you please share your pitch with us?

“I help overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted women find calm, clear and creative thinking and energy again by applying strategies targeted to them that lie at the intersection of neuroscience, psychology and nutrition.”

How do you protect yourself from business risk?

"I think the most important thing to do is you need to know what your mission is. So my mission is now really to help women cope with stress because I know that it's a global phenomena. The overall focus has to be there for any big project you are busy with, and a business is a big project."

What is the most important tip in that path to growing a business?

“One needs to have a focus and a why? Why are you actually doing this thing? If you're not clear on your why, I think you can’t drive all the other things that need to be driven in running a business. So that's really, the most important thing.”

Want to know more about how Dr Delia McCabe has worked with stressed and exhausted women to find their calm and harmony?

Has your health taken a back seat to your business? Need some reassurance, food and mindset tips to rediscover some harmony? Listen and feel reassured, you are not alone,  and join this nurturing episode of Mumbition.

Ready to harmonise your ambition, livelihood and wellbeing? Join Australia's most caring business network. You’ll find experts, business advice, member directory and events. Sign up to Mums & Co today

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