The Daily Grind

The Real Me: Kate Edwards

Meet the busy CEO of Kontented.

3 mins
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Time your alarm went off?

Mr 14-months-going-on-14-years wakes between 5 and 5:18am daily. I used to think the alarm set for 5:36am (so I can make my 6am private yoga class was a stretch – hahahaha!)

What did your child have for breakfast?

1/2 a dry Weetbix (he could wait for me to pour in the milk and microwave it). Then he spat out about 6 spoonfuls of the warm, nice Weetbix. A slice of cheese, half of my scrambled eggs with parmesan and fresh herbs, 1/4 of an avocado and a cinnamon pancake from a batch I made on the weekend.


Half of aforementioned scrambled eggs (sharing is the best! It keeps me thin), 1/4 of an avocado and half a slice of wholemeal toast + a lemon and ginger tea.

Something that’s stuck with you today?

That as much as I try – I CAN’T DO EVERYTHING. And how very lucky my family is to have my partner’s parents as our full-time carers for Zane. He loves the shit out of his Poppy. This morning, as I left for work, they were walking the streets of Bondi in their beanies and hoodies looking at motorbikes (ZZ’s fav thing at the moment). It’s a pretty cute sight watching an ex-trucker carrying around a gobby baby boy who points and grunts to the direction he wants his Poppy to take him. Wrapped around his little finger!

Social Media platform you’ve abused the most?

I’m old, and I like seeing pics of other people’s babies so it’s gotta be FACEY. That said, I did make my first vid the other day and thought how dangerous that app would have been if it were around when I was 18! Hahaha. Imagine making karaoke music vids all day at the office – my team would think I was nuts!

Who did you meet with?

Hahaha – who didn’t I meet with!

  • 8am Conference call for Fostered with OOH, our outdoor partner on WALL - about press release going out on Friday.
  • 9am WIP with Head of Production at KONTENTED about green-lighting 2 x music TV series and our path to production for our Oct TX date.
  • 10am WIP with GM (who is also my business partner and baby-daddy) about things that need to be happening this week.
  • 11am Catch up with Biz Dev team.
  • 12.30pm Approve wireframes for a new project we’re working on.
  • 2pm Record my KONTENTED KOLLECTIVE podcast with Ben Cooper MD of M&C Saatchi and Tricky Jigsaw.
  • 4pm Interview with a new artist we’re courting for Fostered.
  • 5.30pm Con call with Lauren Bath – an insta famous photographer who is sitting on all-female conference panel for Curvy this Saturday, which I am hosting.
  • 6pm Home for the ZZ routine, bath, books, trucks bookie and bed.
  • 8pm Jump back online and answer the 600-odd emails I didn’t get to today.
  • 830pm Call with Rob founder of Curvy about how my hosting duties are coming along.

Something that made you smile?

My little boy and his open-mouthed slobbery kisses that are literally THE BEST THING EVER!

What TV series you’re watching?

TV? What’s TV? I know laptop, phone, play school (celeb edition, of course) and I know The Wiggles….otherwise I simply pine for the day when I can binge watch the next season of Suits or actually finish off the last season of GOT (I only made it to ep 7 and got too busy at work and with ZZ. It’s either watch TV or sleep and I will always choose SLEEP!)

Best thing you’ve done today?

Inspired and empowered my team to make smart decisions that are always full of calculated risk – but I’d like to think that’s every day. More specifically, I gave one of our more junior staffers a hug in the kitchen - she’s been going through a tough time and as a CEO is hard to know when to cross the emotional/boss line but I’m really bloody glad I did. The hug made her smile, made her happy and changed her whole vibe today. So that’s something I’m happy about today!

What was on the table for dinner?

Spag Bol. What was meant to be? A roast that’s been defrosted in my fridge since Sunday (It’s Tuesday) that I still just haven’t gotten around to!

Today would have been better if I had…

Had more sleep, done yoga this morning and hadn’t gone to bed cranky with my partner! Hehehe! (He’ll hate me for writing that)!

Tomorrow I’m looking forward to…

More sleep, getting more shit off my ‘to do’ list and another one of those big sloppy Zane kisses!

You can connect with Kate via the Kontented website.

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