
Working mum tips for a happy and healthy family

You've probably heard that it's tough to be a working mum, and you're right - it can be pretty challenging. But with the right tools and advice, you can thrive.

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You've probably heard that it's tough to be a working mum, and you're right - it can be pretty challenging. But with the right tools and advice, you can make it through. This blog is here to help working mums like you survive and thrive. So please explore the content and find what works best for you. Thank you for being a working mum!

Hurdles of being a working mum

Becoming a mum can be hard work, there's no doubt about it. Add in the challenge of becoming a working mum? And for some that can be a whole other balancing act. You're trying to balance work and motherhood, and it's not always easy. The struggle is real, but you're not alone.

If you ask most working mums, they'll tell you that life can be a juggling act. For some that means trying to please your clients by meeting deadlines, and be the best mum you can be. It can be a lot to handle, and it can be easy to feel like you're dropping the ball.

Over the years our community has shared that some of the most common challenges working mums face are:

- Feeling the ‘mummy guilt’ that feeling where you’re torn between spending time in the career you enjoy and the family you also enjoy.

- Trying to find affordable childcare that you can trust

- Feeling like you may miss some of the milestones in your child's life

- Wondering if you're doing a good job at work and as a “Mum”.

If you're struggling with any of these issues, don't worry - you're not alone. There are plenty of working mums out there who have been through the same thing. The important thing is to find a way to harmonise your life that works for you.

How to thrive as a working mum

We know there are many challenges that working mums face, but what can you do to not just survive but also thrive?

Here are some general tips:

- Find a good support system: Whether it's a partner, family, friends, or colleagues, make sure you have people you can rely on. These people can help you with childcare, picking up the slack at work, or just being there to listen. We like to call these people our ‘Co’.

- Get organised: This one is key. If you can, try to get your work and home life as organised as possible. This will help you reduce stress and make it easier to balance everything. Mums & Co members can get access to these great tips from Life Admin Life Hacks from our Be MPowered conference

- Take breaks: Don't try to do it all at once. When you're feeling overwhelmed, take a step back and take a break. This can be anything from taking a few minutes to yourself to taking a holiday. But having a bit of me time is always essential to help you recharge.

- Be realistic: Done is better than perfect and it's important to accept that. Give yourself some grace and know that it's okay to let things slide occasionally. Don't be too hard on yourself: You're doing the best you can, and that's all that matters.

Tips for working mums with babies

Welcome to motherhood! As a working mum, not only are you trying to balance work and motherhood (aka your mumbition, the unapologetic blending of motherhood and ambition), but you're also dealing with the challenges that come with having a baby.

It can be difficult to know how to juggle everything, but here are some tips that may help:

- Stay connected: When you're at work, try to stay connected with your baby. This can be a simple text or call to your nannie or your trusted Co looking after your baby. It gives you a piece of mind that the baby is doing alright, then you can be more present at running business.

- Make time for yourself: We all know it is important to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally and are familiar with the idea of not being able to pour from an empty cup. Try to find time for things like exercise, relaxation, and socialising. This could be getting off the train a stop early to get in a little walk or actively listening to your favorite podcast. This can help you feel more balanced and less stressed.

- Life with a new baby can be exhausting especially when it comes to interrupted sleep and new routines. Try and be open and upfront with your clients, team or boss about the challenges you are facing. Is it possible to work flexible hours to find a balance that works for your new family and work commitments?

- Expect the unexpected, this one will follow you on your motherhood journey. It could be pureed pumpkin on your blazer as you walk out the door or yet another round of daycare sickness keeping everyone at home. Try to factor in a contingency time buffer so that deadlines can still be met no matter what gets thrown across the highchair tray at you.

Tips for working mums with toddlers

If you're a working mum with a toddler, you know how challenging it can be. Not only are you trying to balance work and motherhood, but you're also dealing with the challenges that come with having a toddler.

It can be difficult to know how to juggle everything, but here are some tips that may help:

- Get childcare sorted: This is one of the most important things you can do. What does this look like for your family? Will you be calling on your Co of grandparents or extended family or will you be enroling your Little Co at a daycare centre? Or is a nanny an option that works for your family? Finding reliable child care that works for your family can help make returning to work a little easier.

- Toddlers are unpredictable: Try to be prepared for anything. Toddlers can be unpredictable, and they can have tantrums and big feelings at the drop of a hat (especially if it’s the wrong hat don’t go giving the unicorn sunhat when it’s the cat beanie they want). If you can try and be open and honest with your Co so they understand where your life is at.

- Don't be afraid to ask for help: If you're struggling, don't be afraid to ask for help. This can be from your partner, family, friends, or colleagues. Everyone understands how challenging it can be to be a working mum with a toddler.

Tips for working mums with school-aged children

If you're a working mum with school-aged children, you know how challenging it can be. Not only are you trying to balance work and motherhood, but you're also dealing with the challenges that come with having school-aged children.

The nappies and sleepless nights may be a distant memory but school kids can have their own challenges here are some tips that may help:

- Meal prep: This one is key. If you can, try to meal prep or cook in bulk on the weekends. This will help you save time and money during the week. If possible, share this job out with older kids to help prep.

- Schedule everything: Try to schedule everything you can. This includes things like after-school activities, homework, and bedtime. Having a family schedule will help you feel more organised and less stressed.

- Get help when you need it: Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. This can be from your trusted Co.

Commuting to work, working long hours, and having less time for yourself and your family can be challenging for working mums. These working mum tips can help you feel more balanced and less stressed.

Final word

Lockdowns were a game-changer for many families, who abruptly had to start working from home. This created a whole new set of challenges and opportunities for working mothers. If you're lucky enough to be able to secure a remote work position, it can really help you strike a better balance between work and life. You'll be able to take advantage of flexible hours and have more control over your schedule, which can lead to feeling less stressed overall.

At Mums & Co, we understand how important it is for working mums to have a supportive network. We provide working mum tips, advice, and resources to help you navigate this new chapter in your life. Check out our Be MPowered conference where you can connect with other working mums and hear from inspirational speakers, or join one of our many working mum communities across Australia. You're not alone, we're here to support you mums in business!

We have used reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information contained on our website is accurate and up-to-date at the time of publication. However, we do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on or linked to our website.All information shared on the Mums & Co website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute financial, investment, legal, tax, accounting or other professional advice
. We recommend that you seek advice from a professional regarding you own specific circumstances.