Starting a business

You've Got One Shot

7 Positive Ways To Make First Impressions Count.

4 mins
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First impressions are an important thing.

Whether you’re brand new to business or you’re highly experienced and actively growing your company, one fact remains: You’ve got one shot at creating a good first impression.

Why is it important? Creating a strong first impression helps you develop and enhance quality customer relationships and make more sales.

From the first moment you meet a potential customer, it’s your behaviour, personal presentation and your attitude that will be a major influence on their decision to buy your service or product.

Try these tips before you attend your next business networking function, or important event.

Meet and greet

Your appearance, body language and tone of voice all have an impact. To make the most of meeting and greeting someone new, it’s important to:

  • Make eye contact.
  • Smile (a genuinely warm and friendly smile!)
  • Say something friendly and polite
  • Pay attention to the customer – this is about them, not pitching your service or product immediately
  • Greeting the customer by asking a useful opening question. For example, 'Good afternoon. Can I help you?'
  • Put down your phone, step away from your computer and never ignore a customer who has just walked into your space.
  • Give your willing and undivided attention.

Professional presentation

When you present professionally – from the clothes you wear and the way you’ve done your hair, it says that you take the time to care about yourself – and it’s respectful to anyone you meet.

  • Posture that is relaxed but confident will be more inviting than being stiff and unwelcoming
  • Try not to fidget – it’s a distraction and leaves your customer feeling that they can’t have complete confidence in you and what you offer
  • Dress to impress – you are your business brand so think about what you wear and how that relates to your business and your target market

Be Positive

Having a positive attitude can take you a long way and your enthusiasm and genuine happiness can rub off on your customer – leaving them feeling good about the interaction with you and your business. That’s something that they might stare with others and word-of-mouth is a very positive thing.

It’s important to remind yourself that every business exists to meet customers’ needs. If you truly believe your job is to understand and solve your customer’s problems, your natural, helpful confidence will shine through.

Digital First Impressions Count Too

Your effective first impression is not just about meeting face-to-face. These days, many of your potential clients will first reach out to you in the digital world so being aware of what they might find is a critical part to the success of your business. Cast a critical eye over all your social media and digital footprint. From your LinkedIn profile to the words and images on your website – what your potential customer sees is their introduction to you and your business. Investing in professional copywriting, graphic design and photography may be the boost you need to really succeed.


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