10 things to do with your kids this school holidays

Switch off those iPads, slap on some sunscreen and go on an adventure with these left-of-centre holiday ideas.

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Switch off those iPads, slap on some sunscreen and go on an adventure with these left-of-centre holiday ideas.

1. Go fruit picking
Summer is the perfect time to head to a local farm gate and pick some fruit. From blueberries and
strawberries, to apples, pears, plums, nectarines and peaches, there are loads of places you can
grab a bucket and wander through the orchard. What’s great about this is that you are directly
supporting farmers. More info here. https://www.harvesttrailsandmarkets.com.au/pick-your-own/

2. Catch the train, bus or ferry
During the working year, the public transport system is flooded with cranky commuters but over the
holidays, things have a much cruisier vibe. For a small fee, you can go on an adventure to
somewhere you may have never been before. Plan B: head to an airport and watch the planes
take off and land. Kids love this stuff (and some adults too! See: #trainspotters #planespotters).

3. Go wild in nature
Go bush walking, learn about native bush tucker, pick some flowers and press them, or visit some
aboriginal rock paintings. The Australian bush is a wonderland of insects, flowers, leaves and
rocks. Draw them. Photograph them. Respectfully collect and inspect them.

4. Splash out with water play
Some councils have built free water play parks for their communities, and most places have a river,
dam, lake or - if you’re really lucky - waterfall for your kids to explore this holidays. Hot tip: invest in
some water shoes to keep those little feet safe from sharp rocks.

5. Get crafty
Make some slime, tie dye some clothes, make a pet rock to hide for the local rock finding group
( https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06-06/kids-join-global-craze-painted-rock-hide-and-
seek/8594088 ), or assemble a gingerbread house or train (available from Aldi). Visit the local art
gallery, do a self portrait using a mirror, or go nuts with chalk on the footpath or driveway.

6. Visit an animal shelter
Find out if your local animal shelter allows visitors. Walk the dogs, pet the cats or if you’re in a
position to do so, adopt one and take a new furry buddy home.

7. Catch ‘wrigglers’ at the creek
Catch macroinvertebrates down at the local creek. Much easier and more reliable than fishing, and
depending on age of your kid, you can download ID guides/apps and even compare the pollution
tolerance of different water bugs.

8. Camp in the backyard
Put up your tent, pump up the airbeds and roll out your sleeping bags. Cloud watch, star gaze, tell
ghost stories and cook your dinner on the BBQ.

9. Build a garden
Plant a veggie garden with summer crops like tomatoes, corn, cucumbers and zucchinis, or if
you’re pressed for space, make a terrarium that you can keep inside and decorate with little plastic
dinosaurs, farm animals or LEGO people.

10. Do a taste test
Taste tests can be a fun way to introduce new foods to picky eaters. Source a number of varieties
of one fruit or vegetable, cut them into bite-sized portions (if they aren’t already that small), line
them up then test them one by one, discussing the different flavours as you go. Older kids might
like to do a blind taste test, or play around with Miracle Fruit which makes vinegar taste sweet.

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