Starting a business

It’s never too late for change

It’s never too late for change

5 minutes
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It’s never too late for change - with Anne McKeown, a Life Coach for Women

Anne McKeown is a Life Coach for Women. Becoming a mum challenged her idea of ambition after a corporate career followed by several years at home looking after her family. Anne drew a  line in the sand when she realised only she could choose how life would play out for her. This personal transformation became the foundation of her business. Anne is now a celebrated empowerment coach for women who is devoted to helping women step up, speak up and show up with confidence. 

What is it that you love about your work that you do right now?

“I see myself as a communicator. So however that is, I want to be able to share my story to help women and whether that's through speaking on podcasts or and whether it's through my online program, or one on one coaching. It's just about communicating and inspiring others. Having gone through that feeling of being a bit lost and lonely and losing confidence in myself. I needed somebody like me in my life, but I didn't have anyone at that time.

So I just thought I'm going to be that for other women. It sounds altruistic, but it's actually not because I get so much in return. I feel that I have a purpose and that I'm giving back and belonging to a community. I'm helping others, so I actually get more than I give. The reward is greater.

I just love seeing women thrive and grow because I know it's back to that whole thing- If we are happy, everyone around us benefits. “

Can you please share your pitch with us?

“I almost fell into my business because when I hit 50, I hit menopause, midlife. My kids were all beginning to not want me in their life as much. I felt a bit lost and lonely. So, I thought other women must feel like this and someone suggested that I should start a meetup, which I did.

I called it Women's Self-Empowerment. Within the first week, I had 60 women sign up. That made me realise that I wasn't on my own. As time went on, these women said to me they didn't want to share their things in a group. So could I coach them individually? 

So that's how my business was born, really. Quite organically. My tagline is that I help women to step up, speak up, and show up with confidence in business and life. Because I see so many capable women who have lost faith in themselves.t was that lack of self-belief that held me back for longer than it should have. “

What do you think starting your business when you were in your early 50's, has taught your kids about life and learning?

“Everybody says ‘find your why’. For me, it was about being a good role model for my kids because I was telling them every day, go to school and learn.

You can be what you want. You can do what you want. But then I was at home being a bit of a martyr and miserable and lost. I wasn't really being a good role model. Starting my business allowed them to see that - you can start anything at any age and that life is challenging no matter what age you are. And to be open to personal development. It was only as I grew as an individual that my business grew. 

They've watched me go through really down times. When things have not worked well in my business, and I've lost money or I've lost faith in myself. Being able to say to them if they have a bad day, “Well, I have a bad day sometimes, too”. Kids think that parents are just robots.

Now when I'm having a bad day they just call back and say, “Oh, mum, you know this and this”. They call my own techniques back to me and stuff. It's great for me.”

Want to know more about how Anne McKeown has become a positive role model?

How you can follow your passion at any age? What do you want your children to learn from you?

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