Webinar: Remote Working with Kids

Webinar on how to Remote Work with Kids at home, featuring guests Jo Palmer, of Pointer Remote Roles, and Emmy Samtani, of Kindred.

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Mums & Co-VID19 Taskforce Webinar

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For any parent who has ever tried working from home with the kids, the last few weeks would have been business as usual - albeit with a fair bit more stress. But for the rest of us, it’s felt like utter mayhem. How do we adjust to working in an entirely different environment, most likely with our children in the same room who also need educating?!? It’s a gargantuan task, and one that will require more than a bit of adjustment. But where there’s a will, there’s a way, and we’ve explored the mechanics of that way in our latest webinar. 

Featuring special guests Jo Palmer, founder of Pointer Remote Roles, and Emmy Samtani, Founder of Kindred, a parenting information app, this webinar is essential for anyone working from home at the moment and wanting to understand how to be productive, while also managing your children’s needs and - importantly - looking after yourself at the same time. 

Here’s what you’ll learn in the webinar: 

How should I structure my time when working from home? 

Jo, who started Pointer Remote Roles when she saw a gap in the market for connecting rural talent with opportunities, believes that that the current situation could normalise remote working, meaning more options for more people. But she concedes that working from home isn’t always easy, especially in the current environment: 

‘Right now, be honest with yourself about where you’re at right now and how your household functions. Be realistic about what you can and can’t do.’ 

After you’ve figured out what you think is possible, create a week-long plan, says Jo. Then, decide which tasks essential, nice-to-do and ‘do if I’m kicking goals.’ From here, Jo recommends: 

‘Every day, sit down and do a couple of your essential tasks. This will make you feel like you’re making progress.’ 

Jo also uses a fascinating time management approach called the Pomodoro Technique, which she says has revolutionised how she works. 

Jo details this technique in the webinar. Access it here. 

How do I work with children around? 

Emmy, who has 3 young children, is well versed in working from home with children around. She assures parents everywhere that it’s possible - but certainly not easy. There are a few things she recommends, starting with creating an tidy and organised space to work: 

‘The first thing I did when I knew I’d be working from home again was a swipe of the house. I decluttered, I got rid of everything that didn’t serve a purpose.’ 

Even if you have cleared a space though, Emmy, says, you might end up working in multiple places within your home, as this can be the best way to vary things up with your children: 

‘Throughout the day, I might start by working on the kitchen table, then if I know the kids are going to get a bit clingy, I might change to working on the kitchen bench or even outside.’ 

Emmy stresses, though, that there is one thing that, especially at this time, parents simply don’t need to worry about. 

Discover what that is in our webinar. Access it here. 

Also covered in the webinar: 

  • How do I cater to the emotional, physical and developmental needs of my children when I’m working from home?
  • How do I best manage a remote team?

Watch to the webinar now to ensure you can make the most out of working from home.

Recommended Reading: Working From Home With The Kids In Lock Down
Recommended Reading: 10 Mental Health Resources To Get You Through COVID-19
Recommended Reading: How To Find Connection In Times of Social Distancing and Self Isolation

Mums & Co have created a special taskforce to support our 345,000 + members to best manage throughout the coronavirus crisis. The taskforce includes 15 experts, who will be answering your questions via daily webinars and making themselves available for individual consultations, if you need. We’re also developing a chat-bot to support you, 24.7. Access to our taskforce is available via a Mums & Co premium membership, which we are providing for free for the next 3 months. 

We’re here to support you and we’re stronger together. Join us here.

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